Not In The Same Way

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It had become a sort of routine for Sakusa to tag along with Atsumu to his place. They'd shoot the breeze for a bit, and then Sakusa would split, heading home to grapple with his own emotional chaos. Sometimes he'd let out a few tears, sometimes he'd ride the wave of excitement, but each time, he'd reel it in, reminding himself not to overthink the blonde's winks or flirty comebacks. It was just Atsumu being Atsumu, and Sakusa shouldn't let it mess with his head.

That day, the biting cold matched Sakusa's gut feeling. Atsumu didn't show up at the usual time, and Sakusa felt something was off.

"Hey, Omi-Kun," Atsumu finally strolled in, sporting a dazzling smile, but his eyes were a giveaway – slightly red and puffy. Sakusa narrowed his eyes, sensing trouble, and pinched Atsumu's cheek, making him yelp.

"You've been crying. I'm not stupid, Miya," Sakusa stated, making Atsumu reluctantly show him his phone screen.

"Really, you don't miss anything, eh, OmiOmi," Atsumu murmured, smiling softly with a unique sparkle in his eyes. Sakusa wished he could decipher the boy's thoughts.

"Miya... Perhaps, it is not proper of me to say this, but I care about you. I can tell when you're upset or sad because I know you, maybe more than I'd like. And honestly... I love you," Sakusa spilled, his heart racing. He wanted to bail, but he was stuck there.

"Aww, Omi, I love you too. You're one of the bestest friends I've ever had, although sometimes I can't stand you," Atsumu straightened up, flashing a wide smile. Sakusa couldn't help but smile back, even though it was kind of bittersweet.

"He loves me," Sakusa thought, feeling warmth spread through his chest. But not like that, you idiot. Now, he felt a stab in his stomach, like a sword piercing him from side to side.

"Do you need... to talk?" Sakusa quickly deflected the subject, avoiding Atsumu's gaze.

"I'm better now," Atsumu said softly, a departure from his usual loud and joking self.

In the time they had grown closer, Sakusa discovered a different side of Atsumu – sensitive, with a noble heart, insecurities, and a hopeless romantic. Sakusa wished for a lover like Atsumu, someone who adored him the way Atsumu adored Shouyo.

"Miya, I think there's something we need to talk about," Sakusa said somewhat dubiously. He didn't want to, and he knew Atsumu didn't either, but it was necessary. "About the wedding."

"Is it necessary to speak about it right now?" Atsumu asked, scratching the back of his neck. The word 'wedding' wiped the smile off his face, and Sakusa sighed deeply.

"Yes, very necessary... Your place or mine?"

"Mine, if it's not a problem," replied the blonde. Sakusa nodded, starting the journey to Atsumu's apartment.

The silence on the way was thick, and Sakusa toyed with the idea of saying something. "How... How is your brother?" he asked, earning a strange look from Atsumu.

"Are you interested in Osamu out of nowhere, Omi-kun? Who would say you would have something for him?" Atsumu blurted out, annoying Sakusa. He rolled his eyes.

"It was just a topic of conversation. I am not interested in your brother, not in that way."

"Then in what way are you interested in him? You realize we have the same face?" At this point, Sakusa regretted opening his mouth.

"First of all, I am not interested in your brother. Second, Osamu has brown hair and gray eyes; there is a difference," he said, turning slightly to glare at Atsumu.

"So you have something for brunettes?"

"Miya, I'm not interested in your brother!" he exclaimed angrily, hitting the floor with the sole of his shoe. Atsumu burst into laughter, filling Sakusa with even more impatience.

"Now what!?" Atsumu continued laughing. "You look like a little boy. I'm just joking; don't take it seriously, OmiOmi. If you had something for 'Samu, it would be weird. It would mean that you also have something for me, which is impossible. Although 'Samu is more your type." If only you knew...

"My type? Since when do you know what my type is? I don't even have a type," Sakusa said desperately and nervously.

"Yeah, a boring and serious guy. Don't tell me you don't have a type; we all have a type." Oh, if only he knew that Sakusa's type was shorter than him, athletic, with majestic thighs, blonde, and irritating.

"I have one, but I'm not going to tell you. You'll try to set me up, and no, I'm fine as I am."

"You are bitter, OmiOmi. You are only ashamed because my type is better than yours," Hinata Shouyo joined the conversation, once again shining brightly. "Strong, athletic, reliable, fun, and obviously, he has to know how to dance. Just look at Hinata; he is exactly that."

"You don't know if he dances well."

"Brother. Sho-chan lived in Brazil, and you're telling me he didn't learn to dance in all that time? That's bullshit," Atsumu burst into laughter. "Besides, have you seen his arms? God-"

"You have a very basic taste."

"There's a reason you're so lonely, Omi-Kun." Because I'm in love with you, idiot. "If you want to find love, lower your expectations~"

"Shut up," he muttered angrily.

So, they continued on their way to Atsumu's apartment, completely forgetting about the wedding theme as they settled in to watch movies and indulge in junk food. At some point, Atsumu dozed off and unconsciously sprawled on Sakusa's shoulder. Conveniently, Sakusa had his arm on the back of the sofa, allowing the blond to slip a bit and rest his head on Kiyoomi's chest.

Sakusa couldn't help but blush, but he covered Atsumu with a sheet and hugged him with the arm he had on the back of the couch. He felt Atsumu settle down and dreamily smile.

"I love you," Kiyoomi blurted out under his breath, feeling Atsumu rubbing his cheek on his chest. He looked so cute like this.

"I... love you..." Atsumu mumbled in his sleep, making the tallest one's heart skip a beat. "Sho-chan." Right...

How could he be so foolish?

Of course, Atsumu loves him...

They love each other...

But not in the same way.

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