Chapter 20

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Sitting on the bus, Shang Jin looked at the remaining thousand in his wallet and ironically lifted the corners of his mouth.

This woman really didn't surprise him one bit. Every time he met her, she always selected some high-end club and her words, actions and bearing strove hard to imitate an upper class lady. She clearly hadn't experienced that kind of life, and her pretentious performance passed as just a parody.

Some people were always pursuing something that was not their own. Driven by desire, people who were originally good could become ugly, not to mention selfish people like Liang Jingmin.

Ever since Shang Jin could remember, his parents had already divorced, so Shang Jin had no idea about the inside story of their divorce.

However, Shang Jin's father, Shang Qingping, almost forgot that he had this son and threw himself into his career. And his nominal mother, with no news in the five years after the divorce, suddenly returned carrying precious gifts to visit him. Then, Shang Jin had some understanding.

Shang Qingping would argue the moment Liang Jingmin showed up.

However, because Liang Jingmin had achieved the life she'd wanted, she came before Shang Qingping to show how correct her original choice was.

Shang Jin, as the link between them, was just there to let them "compete" once or twice every year.

No one ever asked Shang Jin whether being frequently left alone at home would be lonely and nobody would ask Shang Jin whether he liked those expensive toys that were sent.


A little at first. Later, he discovered that the sadness was because of his desires and expectations for some things. If he didn't expect anything at all, it seemed that there was nothing to be sad about.

Shang Jin could serenely watch their war of words every time they came together, and when they forgot the dinner time, he could take the money and go out to buy food.

Some things that had never been received, even if they were lost, there's nothing to pity.

Even if now the situation had a major 180-degree change.

Liang Jingmin's remarried husband, because of bankruptcy, could only watch over a small storefront to past the days now. And the company operated by Shang Qingping was booming. The former loser stood on top of the pyramid, and those whom he could only look up to once were now low in the dust.

Shang Qingping remarried when Shang Jin was sixteen. His marriage partner was Qin Fei, who was ten years older than Shang Jin and fifteen years younger than Shang Qingping. The new life unfolded, and Shang Qingping was even more uninterested in Liang Jingmin, finally also ignoring her invitations.

Want to see her son?

Go see him yourself!

The target Liang Jingmin was looking for unwittingly became Shang Jin. It especially intensified after Shang Qingping got married.

Playing the 'for his own good' banner, she opened her mouth and closed her mouth, and it was money, money, money.

At first, Shang Jin was unbearably annoyed. He thought that if he gave Liang Jingmin money, it would calm down. Later, he found out how wrong he was. This type of person wouldn't be satisfied. She wouldn't stop being envious of your exotic delicacies because you gave her a steamed bun. What she was seeking may not be money, but the sense of imbalance caused by the gap between the two families.

Learning from experience, Shang Jin was disinclined to be someone with more money than sense. When he went to the appointment again, he deliberately said that he had no money. As a result, before the dishes were served, Liang Jingmin called the waiter and said that they didn't want any of the dishes. Anyways, they hadn't eaten them yet. It made the embarrassed waiter eyes turned red.

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