Chapter 56

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Shang Jin sat down at the stone table and said, "Auntie just gave birth and Youyou's mood isn't very good, so I have to go home everyday."

Ye Zhou had a sudden realization. Before, he thought that Shang Jin had avoided him because he'd rejected Shang Jin.

Thinking about it, it also made sense. According to Shang Jin's personality, no matter what happened, his first reaction would be to face the difficulty and overcome it rather than escape it.

"So it's like that," Ye Zhou responded, looked at the time and said, "It's not early now. Youyou must be waiting for you anxiously. You should go back quickly."

"It's still not a rush at this moment. I have to give you something before we go back." Shang Jin took the lead and Ye Zhou followed behind him. They walked to the temporarily-parked car with its half-open window by the side of the road. Shang Jin opened the passenger door and carried out a birdcage.

Ye Zhou joked, "I said you threw it away."

Shang Jin lifted the corners of his lips, put the cage on the front of the car and unlatched the triangular lock. He handed the flowerpot full of strawberries to Ye Zhou and said, "Happy Birthday."

" know."

"I said I like you. If I didn't even know your birthday, how does that count as liking?"

Ye Zhou faintly felt that he had been stabbed.

Sure enough, he didn't like Tang Dongdong. Otherwise, how could he not even remember his birthday?

Ye Zhou took the flowerpot and the sweetness of the strawberries lingered at the tip of his nose. The light wasn't too good, but Ye Zhou could still see that most of the strawberries were ripe. "Thank you. Mine also grew a lot of strawberries. Some have ripened, but I haven't had time to taste them. I don't know if they're sweet or not."

Shang Jin reached out and picked a strawberry from the flowerpot. He casually wiped it and directly popped it into his mouth. Perhaps because the strawberry was entirely grown by him, Shang Jin felt that it was more delicious than the strawberries he'd eaten before.

"Eh, this hasn't been washed yet!" Shang Jin moved too fast and Ye Zhou couldn't stop it. He couldn't help but remember that he'd given Shang Jin an apple that hadn't been washed clean, but Shang Jin had still enjoyed eating it. People truly can't be judged by their appearances. Obviously, he looked like a nit-picky person, but in reality, he was very laid-back. Ye Zhou glanced sidelong at him and said, "You said this is my gift. I haven't eaten it yet, so how could you, the gift-giver, move your mouth first!"

"Move your mouth..." Shang Jin looked around, suddenly approached Ye Zhou and quickly kissed him. The tip of his tongue pressed between Ye Zhou's still-parted lips, swept around his mouth and then released him. He smiled and asked, "Sweet or not?"

After the initial surprise, Ye Zhou quickly responded. Regardless of whether Shang Jin was talking about the strawberry or  that kiss, he pursed his lips and grinned, "It was just too fast. I need to taste it again to know if it's sweet or not." Saying this, he placed the flower pot on the hood of the car, grabbed Shang Jin's collar and kissed him.

After a good tasting, the two people didn't reach a conclusion on the sweetness. Ye Zhou's forehead rested on Shang Jin's shoulder, catching his breath. After a while, he finally realized that the two people were outside. He let go of Shang Jin and said, "Someone might come over."

"Not at all." When Shang Jin parked, he'd deliberately chosen a relatively remote location to park. The road was empty at this time and the only animal was a moth under the dim street lamp.

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