Chapter 45

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Ye Zhou carried the big and small bags back to dormitory.

Usually, sitting in his seat, he's always able to see Shang Jin's figure with a turn of his head. Now, he was a bit unaccustomed to the completely empty space.

Ye Zhou took out the kitten and put it together with the rabbit doll.

"Worthy of being brother and sister." They were both pink and putting them together also had a little brother and sister semblance. He laughed and took the new clothes to the sink, soaking them in detergent water.

When the water was drained, he heard the sound of a phone. Ye Zhou turned off the faucet to carefully identified it. Making sure that the dorm was quiet, he shook his head and turned on the faucet again.

After hanging the clothes to dry, it seemed like he heard the ringing of his mobile phone again. Three steps merged into two, he had just opened the backpack zipper when the phone pressed at the bottom rang and vibrated.

Looking at the contact on the screen, he was a bit distracted.

"You can actually answer the phone! Frightened me to death. I thought you weren't there!" A very lively voice came through the receiver. "I wanted to surprise you on May Day, but who knew that you'd give me a fright first?"

"Shang Ming??" Ye Zhou was pleasantly surprised. "You came over?"

"Isn't it? Come pick me up! I'm just in front of your school."

"Right away!" Ye Zhou and Shang Ming had the best relationship when they were in high school. But because Shang Ming overall grades weren't good, tending to overemphasize some subjects over others, his overall grade wasn't too good and the Ye parents didn't like him. Ye Zhou didn't mind his parents nagging his ears off, and still went on his own way. It wasn't easy to meet Shang Ming after attending university. He'd originally offered to meet up once during winter vacation, but who knew that Shang Ming would go on a trip and he wasn't able to meet up with him. He didn't expect that this time, Shang Ming would actually run over to A City.

Worried that Shang Ming had brought more things, Ye Zhou rode the little pedicab toward the gate of A University.

Shang Ming stood in front of the gate and took pictures of the gaudy and outlandish little pedicab he saw from afar. It was as if he'd immediately been injected with chicken blood.

"Haha, this magical car must be photographed and sent to my circle of friends." As a person who loved making friends, Shang Ming would always take out his mobile phone when he sees some novel things. But unfortunately, this little pedicab was a little far away and the picture wasn't too clear...



After Shang Ming took several successive photos, the pedicab that he'd dubbed outlandish stopped in front of him. The door opened and he saw a familiar handsome face.


As the car had already become a famous car, Ye Zhou riding it wouldn't consider it as anything different. Seeing Shang Ming still with an unclear expression, he said, "What are you staring at? You didn't bring any luggage?"

"No..." Shang Ming circled around the car and still couldn't believe that his good friend had actually degenerated into driving a pedicab. "Don't have a car, then can't we properly ride a bike? If I hadn't come here this time, I wouldn't have known where your aesthetic had deviated to."

Ye Zhou smiled insincerely and said, "Believe it or not, dare to speak malicious words about this car on A Uni, the whole school would raise money to do you in."

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