Chapter 52

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Ye Zhou didn't know how he came back; he only remembered that he'd almost ridden the bike into the flower beds several times.

Ye Zhou's heart was still beating like thunder as he locked the bike in a fluster and climbed up the stairs.

"Eh, weren't you just going to take a shower? How did you come back from the outside?" Liu Yutian came out from visiting the dorm next door and saw Ye Zhou just passing 404.

"Ah?" Ye Zhou said incoherently, "I just went out for something. I'm going to shower."

Liu Yutian followed behind Ye Zhou and saw that there was an empty place on the flower stand by the doorway. He asked, "What about Shang Jin's strawberry?? It wouldn't have been carried away by birds, right!!"

Ye Zhou still held the two white flowers in his hand, but at the moment, they'd been kneaded together into a lump: flowers that were no longer flowers. He put his hand behind his back and said, "I...I don't know."

The students from 404 and 403 came out when they heard the commotion and surrounded the flower stand. In a moment, they poked their heads to look downstairs to see that it hadn't fallen, and in another moment, they looked nearby to see if someone had played a prank and carried it away.

Taking advantage of everyone not paying attention to him, Ye Zhou grabbed his clothes and dived into the bathroom.

He showered and quickly went to bed. Facing the white wall, he didn't dare to turn his head.

Ye Zhou didn't dare to face Shang Jin, but he also didn't understand why he didn't dare to face Shang Jin.

Obviously he'd told the truth and all of this was Shang Jin's misunderstanding, but it was also Shang Jin who'd eavesdropped on his and Su Yin's conversation first.

Obviously, from any way he looked at it, he shouldn't have a guilty conscience.

But why...

The dorm door was pushed open and Ye Zhou's heart tightened.

"Why hasn't Shang Jin come back yet?"

"I didn't see him when I returned to the dorm."

"Without rhyme or reason, how can the strawberry disappear!" Liu Yutian clicked his tongue and looked up, "Zhou, why are you sleeping so early today?"

"Lower your voice. I saw that he was just very out of it," Wen Renxu pulled Liu Yutian's sleeve and whispered, "Didn't you see that he turned a deaf ear when you mentioned Shang Jin's strawberry? If it were usual and Shang Jin's matter was brought up, he'd be the first to jump up."

Ye Zhou grasped the sheets. For the first time, he realized that he had such an image in the eyes of others.

"Shang Jin, you're back. Your strawberryー" Liu Yutian stared at the cage in Shang Jin's right hand and said, "You took the strawberry out?"

"Yeah, took it for a walk." Shang Jin returned the cage to its place. Entering the dorm, he saw that Ye Zhou was facing away from him and he quickly removed his gaze. "You've all washed up?"

"Washed, washed." Liu Yutian gathered by Shang Jin's side, looked at Ye Zhou's bed and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

"Not too clear." Shang Jin went to the sink, turned on the faucet and forcefully threw the cold water on his face.

Since Shang Jin's return, Ye Zhou had his ears perked up all along. When he heard this sentence, he was furious in his heart: You're the one who's clearest! Originally, the two people were good. Why did he have to say such a thing? Otherwise, why would he need to lie in bed now...if it were usual, they would certainly observe the strawberry flowers together, and then they'd discuss whose strawberry would bear fruit first. Not like now, the flowers were plucked, and people were...

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