3-A fashionable Harry Styles

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Three days went by. Louis spent a lot of time in his studio. He was recording a new album. It was time-consuming but fun. His recording engineer Liam had managed to talk him into going out to a club on Friday night. But first, he had his meeting with Harry. He was actually a little bit curious to see what the strange man had come up with.

There was a knock at his door at 12 o'clock sharp. Man, what was up with this punctuality? Louis got up to open it and he didn't see Harry behind all the bags of clothes he was carrying.
"Ehm, hi Harry. Come in. Let me help you with that." Louis offered and took a bunch of bags.

Harry's head came in sight and he was smiling brightly.
"Thanks, Louis!"

They walked into the living room and as soon as Harry had put everything down Louis noticed his outfit. This was another colorful one. Harry had a pink shirt on, or was it a blouse? Louis couldn't tell. The shirt/blouse thing had a big bow at the neck. It looked crazy but it suited him. He had matched it with some black trousers with a really high waist and a pearl necklace. Pearls? Louis raised an eyebrow but didn't comment on it. Harry could wear what the fuck he wanted as long as he didn't try and dress him in the same outfit. Then he would protest.

"This will be so much fun. Take a seat. I'm just gonna run to your bedroom and grab that big mirror of yours that a saw the other day, if that's okay?" Harry asked.

Louis waved him off.
"Yeah, of course. Do you need help carrying it?"

"I think I'll manage." Harry smirked and ran to Louis' bedroom.

Louis' hands were itching to peek in some of the bags that Harry had brought but he contained himself. Harry came back with a full-body mirror and put it against the wall.

"Let's just get it over with." Louis sighed.

Harry pulled out the first outfit from one of the bags and Louis' jaw dropped. He stared at the creation in horror. It looked like an onesie for babies or a 70's disco outfit, a sparkling overall in baby pink. The shoulders were covered in purple feathers and there was so much glitter that it hurt his eyes. Louis grunted and closed them.

"What do you think? I made it myself. Isn't it wonderful? It will show off that great figure of yours that you're hiding underneath those baggy clothes." Harry said excitedly.

"You made it?" Louis said in disbelief.

"Yes!" Harry grinned proudly.

"Ehm, oh wow. It's really something... eh..." Louis didn't know how he would get out of this without hurting Harry's feelings.

"I'm totally fucking with you, Louis. Oh God, I wish you could have seen the look on your face. Priceless! So worth it!" Harry said and burst out laughing.

Louis started to laugh as well. Harry was insane. When they finally calmed down they both had to wipe away tears.
"You almost gave me a heart attack!" Louis chuckled.

Harry just winked at him.
"So you didn't make that?" Louis questioned.

"Of course I did. Do you think it's easy to find a creation like this in the stores?" Harry smirked.

"Well, in that case, hand it over. I'm gonna try it on." Louis chuckled.

"You don't have to do that. It was just a joke." Harry grinned.

"Hey! I'm gonna fucking rock that outfit and then the joke's on you." Louis smirked and got up from the couch.

Harry's eyes were glittering with humor and he handed over the outfit. Louis walked over to his office to change. He had an amused smile on his lips the whole time. God, this was a tight outfit. It didn't leave much to the imagination. The front had a v-neckline that almost went down to his belly button, showing off his chest tattoos. The feathers were just ridiculous. He was glad that he couldn't see his ass in this.

He took a deep breath before he stepped out of the office. He made sure to strike a pose. Harry let out a loud cackle and clasped a hand over his mouth to muffle the sound.
"What? Don't I look good?" Louis joked and made a pirouette.

Harry started to giggle.
"You look gorgeous. It's your new style! My work's done!" He shouted and threw his hands in the air.

Louis shook his head in amusement.
"I really hope not."

They looked at each other and burst out laughing again. They laughed so hard that they ran out of breath. Louis leaned forward with his hands on his knees and tried to breathe properly.
"Can I take this off now?"

Harry grinned at him and wiped his eyes.
"Yeah, just, give me one last spin!"

Louis chuckled but complied. When he came around again to face Harry he noticed that Harry had been checking out his bum from the way he immediately snapped his eyes up to meet his. Well, he had a great butt, who could blame him? He decided to ignore it.
"I can't believe you made this just to mess with me. Aren't you suppose to be a professional stylist?" He teased.

"I am! I promise that I have picked out great outfits, except for that one. I couldn't resist it. Not when you had such specific no-nos. If it makes you feel better that's probably something I could wear for the fun of it. I mean, it's pink, my favorite color and it's sparkling. What's not to love?" Harry grinned and winked.

"Well, I think it would look better on you. Now, show me some better options. I'm gonna change out of this." Louis said with a smile and headed back to his office to put his sweats back on.

When he came back Harry had unpacked a dozen different suits. Nicely cut and discrete. He looked at them all and nodded his head.
"I like them, Harry. Great job. I'll just put them in my closet."

"Great! That's a good start. Now you have things to wear for formal occasions. I got you a bunch of button-up shirts as well. Mostly black or white but I threw in a few in different colors as well. I got you some neckties to match it with." Harry babbled excitedly."

"We're not done?" Louis questioned.

"This is just the beginning." Harry smirked.


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