10-A caring Harry Styles

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Louis woke up early the next morning with a hangover from hell. He slowly opened his eyes and they immediately fell on the man sleeping in his bed. He let go of him and rolled away so he no longer was spooning him. He panicked for a second before he realized they were both fully dressed. Thank God! He then remembered that he had asked Harry to stay over. How embarrassing.

He watched him sleep for a moment, feeling the butterflies coming alive in his stomach. Maybe this was a little more than a bromance?

Harry started to stir and opened his eyes to find Louis looking at him.
"Good morning, Louis. How are you feeling?"

"Like absolute shit." Louis answered.

"Hungover?" Harry asked, hoping that Louis wouldn't say that it was because he found him in his bed.

"Yeah. Very hungover." Louis chuckled.

"I'll get you some painkillers. I'm sorry I'm in your bed. You kind of wanted me to last night." Harry said and blushed.

"Yeah, I remember that part." Louis replied and blushed as well.

He laid down on his back with a grunt. Harry got up and walked into Louis' bathroom in search of pain medication. He found a bottle and took two out. There was a glass on the side of the sink so he filled it with tap water before he went back to Louis' bedroom and handed it over.
"Thanks." Louis mumbled and swallowed the pills.

"Come on. I'm gonna cook you some hangover breakfast." Harry smiled and reached out a hand for Louis to take.

Louis hesitated briefly before he took Harry's hand and let him help him get up from the bed. He let go of his hand as soon as he was on his feet. They walked down to the kitchen together and Harry started to make some scrambled eggs and bacon while Louis watched him from the kitchen table.

They were both lost in thoughts for the moment. Louis was battling with hangover anxiety, trying to remember if he had said or done anything he shouldn't. He didn't think so. He relaxed a little. Harry on the other hand was trying to figure out how he could help Louis accept them as more than platonic friends. A part of him just wanted to walk over and kiss him and see how he would react but he was about 100 percent sure that Louis would panic and run away if he did that. He needed more time. He knew what he had to do.
"Do you still want me to be your stylist on tour?"

"Of course!" Louis answered and lit up like a sun.

"Okay." Harry answered.

"Okay?" Louis questioned.

"Okay, I'll go on tour with you." Harry said with a smile.

Louis squealed and got up to throw himself at Harry.
"Yes! It will be awesome, Hazza."

Harry hugged him back and laughed. He might have ulterior motives. They needed to spend as much time together as possible so Louis would let go of his fear and the image he had of himself. Harry hoped that it wouldn't take too long. He was dying to kiss him.

Louis let go. He was smiling widely.
"I'll call Roger right away before you change your mind."

"I won't." Harry promised and turned back to the stove while Louis ran to his bedroom to get his phone.

When the food was ready Harry divided it between two plates and put them on the table. He found orange juice in the fridge and collected two glasses as well. Louis came strolling back into the kitchen.
"I cleared it with Roger. He'll call you on Monday to discuss salary and boring stuff like that."

"Okay then." Harry smiled and sat down to eat.

Louis joined him.
"I'm so excited! Touring is usually a bit lonely. I mean, I have great people working with me but when a show's done I usually just sit on my tour bus by myself. Now I can hang out with you! This will be so great. Thanks, Harry."

"I'm also excited. I haven't done something like this before in my line of work so it will be a whole new experience and I can't wait to spend time with you on your tour bus." Harry answered and winked. Too much? He was waiting for Louis' reaction but he just rolled his eyes and smiled. Phew!

They ate breakfast in a comfortable silence. When they were done Louis asked if he wanted to have a lazy day in front of the tv with him and Harry accepted immediately. He always wanted to spend time with Louis.
"I'm gonna jump in the shower quickly." Louis said after they cleared the table.

"Is it okay if I do the same? Sleeping with clothes on was really sweaty." Harry replied and winked.

Louis started to giggle.
"Of course."

They walked to separate bathrooms to shower. Harry took the one connected to one of the guestrooms. He took a longer shower than he anticipated. It just felt so damn good. He found a new toothbrush and brushed his teeth before he stepped out of the bathroom with a towel tied loosely around his waist. He reached for his old clothes when Louis came barging inside.

He stopped in his tracks and stared at Harry's naked chest. A blush spread over his neck and cheeks.
"I'm sorry. I thought...I'll go."

"It's okay, Lou." Harry said softly.

Louis took a step closer. His eyes skimmed over Harry's tattoos.
"I love the butterfly."

He reached out a hand like he wanted to touch it but withdraw it quickly like he had been burned. Harry held his breath.
"I'm sorry. I just wanted to see if you needed to borrow some clothes."

"That would be great, thanks." Harry answered and smiled.

Louis gulped and turned around and fled the room. He came back a minute later with some sweats and a hoodie and handed them over, avoiding eye contact. He left again and Harry got dressed. He found Louis in the living room and sat down beside him. He pretended as if nothing had happened.
"So what are we gonna watch?"

Louis relaxed and they picked another romantic comedy. Ten minutes later they were snuggled up on the couch and Louis was spooning Harry as usual. Babysteps but Harry didn't mind. He just wanted to be close to the man with the beautiful blue eyes.

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