11-A soft Harry Styles

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Three weeks later they headed off to tour together. Louis had suggested that Harry would live on the tour bus with him when they were on the road to keep him company and Harry gladly accepted. The two of them alone on a tour bus? That sounded like a great plan.

Louis was scheduled for a European tour first and had decided to use the tour bus to get around. Then he could call it a home instead of flying around and sleeping at different hotels every night. Harry didn't complain.

They flew to France for their first concert. Louis was nervous but excited. He realized that Harry's presence backstage calmed him. He still had butterflies but that had more to do with the beautiful green-eyed man beside him than the upcoming concert. Harry took his job seriously and made sure to dress Louis nicely in a black t-shirt and some black dress pants that fit him perfectly. Nice but still casual. Louis just smiled at how cute Harry was.

When the concert started Harry watched it from the back. Louis was absolutely killing it. Harry felt so proud of him. Time flew and Louis was done. He came backstage and hugged Harry, buzzing with excitement. He took a quick shower before they headed to the bus. They were supposed to be in Germany in two days. Louis flopped down on a couch in the living room area and Harry went to get a bottle of champagne to celebrate Louis' first show.
"You were incredible!" He said with a dimpled smile when he sat down next to Louis and handed him a glass.

Louis smiled shyly and held his glass so Harry could pour the champagne. They clinked their glasses together before they took a sip. Louis kept on gazing at Harry and they got lost in each other's eyes. Louis put his hands over his face and sighed.
"Are you okay?" Harry immediately asked.

"I don't know. I wanna kiss you so badly." Louis answered, still hiding his face.

Harry's breath hissed and a smile spread over his face.
"Yeah? Are you ready for that?" He asked hopefully.

"There's only one way to find out." Louis answered and took his hands away. He was biting his lower lip, looking really vulnerable.

Harry reached out and caressed Louis' cheek softly. Louis leaned his head to the touch and sighed. He closed his eyes.
"Are you sure?" Harry asked softly.

Louis opened his eyes again to meet Harry's and he nodded his head. Harry put both of his hands around Louis' neck and caressed his cheeks with his thumbs. They both leaned in slowly and Louis let out a small gasp when their lips finally met in a soft kiss. They brushed their lips together, merely touching. Louis shifted closer and put more pressure into the kiss. They kissed with their mouth closed for a moment until Harry broke free to look at Louis.

Louis opened his eyes slowly.
"Yeah. Do it again."

Harry connected their lips once more a little bit more forceful this time. Louis gasped again. His hand found its way into Harry's hair and he tugged him closer. Harry licked Louis' bottom lip to ask for access and Louis opened his mouth. They deepened the kiss and Louis let out a whimper. As soon as their tongues touched he moaned softly and came crawling into Harry's lap, throwing his arms around his neck. The kiss was getting heated. Harry tried his best not to make a sound, afraid to scare him away. It felt too good. Kissing Louis was better than he ever could have imagined.

Louis broke free all of a sudden.

"It's okay, Lou." Harry said softly and tried to make eye contact but Louis was looking down, biting his lip.

Harry put a finger under his chin and tilted his head up so their eyes met. Louis' pupils were blown and he was pretty sure his own were as well considering how hard he was in his pants for the moment.

Louis let out a nervous laugh.
"I think so. That was... wow."

"It was a perfect first kiss. Just...tell me if you're freaking out." Harry answered.

"I'm trying really hard not to." Louis confessed with a slight tremble to his voice.

"I get it. We'll take it really slow. I don't want you to run away because you're scared. Just talk to me. I know it's hard for you." Harry answered softly.

"Well yeah, this is kind of mindblowing, and it's not the only thing that's hard." Louis said with a smirk.

Harry started to giggle.
"You and me both. You're so sexy, Lou."

"Sexy?" Louis questioned with a blush.

"Yes. You're so sexy and beautiful and hot and..." Harry replied in an instant.

"Geez, calm down, Curly." Louis grinned. He got up from Harry's lap but extended a hand for him to take.

"Wanna snuggle? I think that's enough snogging for today but I wouldn't mind sleeping next to you." He continued.

Harry smiled a dimpled smile and took Louis' hand and let him guide him to the back of the bus. They brushed their teeth together and got undressed, leaving their boxers on. Louis seemed nervous.
"We're just gonna sleep, Lou. Do you want me to put my clothes back on? Are you sure you wanna share a bed? I can sleep somewhere else, no biggie." Harry said.

Louis took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He was being silly. He knew that Harry wouldn't pressure him into doing something he wasn't ready for. Harry was such a great guy. So caring and sweet.
"No, it's fine. Let's just get into bed."

They climbed into bed together and laid beside each other in silence for a while. Harry turned his head to look at Louis.

Louis just wanted to kiss him again but he didn't know if he could handle that after his first shock of how good it felt.
"Yeah, turn around so I can spoon you." He said with a grin.

Harry complied and Louis got closer and snuck his arm around Harry's torso. He nuzzled his nose in the back of Harry's neck. This felt so nice.
"Good night, Hazza."

"Good night, Boobear."

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