4-A drunk Harry Styles

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Harry left him with the promise to return after the weekend with more clothes. They exchanged numbers so they could set a day. Louis followed him to the door and said goodbye. He had a really great day with Harry. He liked his humor and he was easy to talk to. Making that outfit to mess with him had been a bold move. Harry didn't know him or if he had a sense of humor or not. It could have gone really wrong from Harry's point of view but he did it anyway. He had guts. Louis liked him already.

He ordered a pizza and hit the shower. He had to get ready for his night out with Liam. He hadn't been to a club in a while. He had been too busy writing songs.

He hurried up in the shower and had just thrown a towel around his waist when there was a knock at his door. He grabbed his wallet and paid the delivery man, not caring that he got to see him half-naked. He sat down in the living room and flipped through the channels. He settled on a re-run of Friends and began to eat. A half-hour later he got rid of the empty pizza box and headed to his bedroom to get dressed.

He actually owned something else than sweats and hoodies. He found a pair of black, tight boxers and put them on. Harry hadn't sniffed his underwear drawer after all. He smirked at his own thoughts. He found a pair of black skinny jeans that he really liked. They fit him perfectly. He liked how they made his ass look good even if he never would admit that out loud and they were ripped by the knees.
Finally, he found a black t-shirt with a white star on the front pocket. It was v-lined so he could show off a bit of his chest tattoo. Simple but effective. Maybe he would pull someone tonight, who knew?

He put some socks and black converse on before he headed to the bathroom to shave and brush his teeth. He put on some deodorant and his favorite cologne before he fixed his hair in a quiff. He took a quick peek in the mirror. He looked okay.

He went to get his wallet and phone and sent Liam a quick text, telling him that he would meet him at the club in fifteen minutes. Liam texted back that he would be there by then. He called for a cab and grabbed a jacket and his keys before he got outside to smoke a cigarette while he waited for the taxi. Five minutes later a car pulled in and he got inside.

Liam waited outside a popular club downtown and they passed the line and got inside. Sometimes it was good to be famous. They managed to get a table and Liam went to buy them a round of beers.

They drank and small talked. Liam was a great guy. They were suddenly interrupted by someone shouting "Loooooooieeee!"

Great, he had been recognized. He didn't feel like talking to a fan tonight. He loved his fans but he just wanted to enjoy the night out with Liam quietly. He put on a smile anyway and looked up.
"Harry?" He said surprised.

"Who's Harry?" Liam asked and looked around.

Then he noticed a man making his way over to their table. His eyebrow raised in amusement when he read the text on the man's t-shirt and turned to Louis.
"Who's Harry and why does he want to fellate George Harrison?"

Louis burst out laughing. Of course, Harry was wearing a t-shirt that said I'd love to fellate George Harrison. It didn't surprise him at all. It was funny.

Harry had managed to stumble his way over, leaning heavily on a smaller guy. Louis raised an eyebrow. Was Harry drunk?
"Hiiiii Loooeeee!" Harry slurred with a grin.

"Hi, Harry. How's it going?" Louis answered amused.

Harry tried to focus his eyes on Louis and failed miserably.
"Greeeat! Niall got me drunk."

The man beside him chuckled.
"Oh, you're blaming me mate?"

Harry pointed a finger at him.
"You said tequila." He slurred.

"Yeah, but I didn't say ten tequilas." Niall replied and rolled his eyes.

Harry giggled and looked at Louis again.
"Loueee, you look great! Stand up, stand up. Let me see you."

Louis huffed but got up anyway and took a bow. Harry was eyeing him up and down.
"Yaaay! No sweats! Come on, give me a spin."

Liam followed their interaction with an amused smile. Who was this guy? Louis rolled his eyes but complied to humor Harry who tried to clap his hands but missed and stumbled forward.
"Oops!" He giggled and found his balance.

"I like it. You're hot Loueee. Your ass looks marvelous in those jeans." Harry grinned.

"Ehm, thanks?" Louis chuckled a bit awkwardly and sat down again.

Harry came and flopped down beside him, almost tipping over to the side. Louis put an arm around his back to keep him steady. Harry leaned his head on Louis' shoulder.
"Everything is spinning Loouuuee." Harry complained.

"Okay, who is this guy?" Liam finally asked curiously.

"Oh, I'm sorry. This is Harry Styles, my new stylist." Louis said.

"Stylist?" Liam questioned with a grin.

"I'm Niall. Harry's friend." Niall said and extended a hand for them to shake. "I'm sorry about him." He said with a nod towards Harry.

"It's okay." Louis assured him.

Harry nuzzled his face against his shoulder.
"Are you falling asleep there mate?" Niall questioned.

"Comfy." Harry mumbled.

"I'll get him a glass of water." Niall said and headed to the bar.

Louis turned to look at Harry.
"Are you falling asleep on me?"

"No." Harry answered and sat up. Louis couldn't help but smile at him. He looked so cute.

Niall came back with a glass of water and handed it over to Harry who emptied it.
"Come on, I wanna dance Harry!" Niall said.

Harry tried to get up but Louis pulled him down again.
"I don't think that Harry can manage to dance right now. I can take him home."

"Really? I can do that. He's my friend." Niall protested.

Harry was back at leaning his head on Louis' shoulder, holding his arm in a firm grip.
"It's fine. Liam, why don't you dance with Niall? Is it okay if I leave?" Louis asked.

Liam was looking at them both with a smile.
"It's okay. Take Mr. Fellate home. I'll dance with you, Niall."

Harry started to giggle.
"Mr. Fellate...good one."

Liam and Niall left and Louis pulled his phone from his pocket to call for a taxi. He helped Harry to stand up but quickly realized that he had to support him from the way he was swaying. He put an arm around his waist and managed to get him outside after they got their jackets.

He put Harry in the backseat of the taxi and buckled his seatbelt before he climbed in back with him. Harry fell down on his lap as soon as Louis had put on his seatbelt. Louis shook his shoulder but Harry was sound asleep. Great, what now? Louis had no idea where Harry lived.

He looked down at the sleeping man in his lap. He guessed he was going home with him then.

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