12-A sexy Harry Styles

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Since their first kiss, Louis couldn't think about anything else. Harry seemed to think he needed some time and space when in reality he just wanted to feel those soft, plump lips against his own again. Harry was so damn sexy all the time!

Three days had gone by since their kiss. He had played a show in Berlin and now they were on their way to Barcelona. They were watching a bad movie inside the bus while they were traveling to their next location. Louis was glad that the driver and bodyguard were cut off from this part of the bus that was his personal space.
He wondered what his staff was thinking about the fact that he let his stylist live with him on the bus? Right now he couldn't care less.

He turned to look at Harry again. He seemed totally oblivious about the fact that he was sitting next to him about to burst if he couldn't kiss him again. Oh, fuck this! Louis smashed his lips against Harry's who let out a small squeal in surprise. Louis smirked against his lips. He didn't see that coming.

Harry composed himself quickly and started to kiss back. Louis was the one who asked for entrance this time and Harry opened his mouth and let him in. God, it felt equally great this time to kiss Harry, if not better. He wasn't scared this time, mostly curious. Harry let out a whimper and Louis liked the sound of that. He wondered if he could make Harry moan? He decided to try.

He pushed him down and laid on top of him, kissing him eagerly. Louis took control of the kiss and that felt good. Harry was such a great kisser. He could feel Harry growing hard underneath him and that excited him. He loved that he had that effect on Harry and he didn't care this time that he was equally hard in his own pants. It felt so damn good. He was so turned on right now.

He decided to try something and thrusted his crotch against Harry's. The fiction made his cock jump. That felt so nice. From the moan that Harry made he must think the same. Louis repeated the same motion and they both moaned into each other's mouths. Harry stopped kissing him.
"Lou... are you sure..." He breathed out but Louis cut him off.

"It's okay, Harry. Really."

Harry connected their lips again and they started to kiss passionately. Louis put his legs on the side of Harry's hips and Harry grabbed his ass and thrusted up while he pulled Louis against him. Louis moaned out loud. He started to thrust against Harry faster and faster, getting closer to climax. They were both moaning, the kiss was getting sloppy. Louis leaned his forehead against Harry's. They were both breathing heavily. He rubbed their crotches together and after an extra hard thrust Harry's body tensed and he came with a high moan, eyes closed, mouth open, and with his head thrown back. The sight tipped Louis over the edge and he climaxed as well with a low moan. Coming down from his high Louis looked down at Harry with sparkling eyes.

Harry opened his eyes and smiled from the sight of Louis' flushed cheeks.
"Hi." He whispered fondly and kissed the top of Louis' nose before he looked at him again.
"That was a nice surprise. Everything's good?"

"Yeah, except the cum in my pants." Louis grimaced.

Harry laughed softly.
"Yeah. Let's take a shower."

"Together?" Louis questioned shyly.

"If you want to. Or you can shower first. Whatever you want." Harry answered.

Louis climbed off Harry and took his hand to pull him off the couch.

"Yeah?" Harry grinned excitedly.

Louis rolled his eyes at him and dragged him to the small bathroom. He pulled the shirt over his head and started to unbutton his pants. Harry stared at him in awe.
"Take your clothes off!" Louis smirked.

Harry started to fumble with the buttons of his shirt and Louis laughed softly.
"You're so fucking adorable, Harry."

Harry smiled a dimpled smile.
"So are you."

He had managed to take his shirt off and Louis' eyes fell on his six-pack. He took a step closer and pressed their lips together shortly before he kissed down Harry's neck. He brushed his lips against Harry's earlobe and could feel him shiver from the touch.
"And you're so fucking sexy."

Harry drew in a sharp breath.
"So are you."

Louis took a step back before he pulled his sweats down with a frown. Harry chuckled and took off his pants as well. Louis hesitated briefly before he pulled his boxers down. Harry's eyes traveled down to his crotch and he could see how his eyes got darker, as if he liked what he saw. Well, he wasn't small in that area. Harry looked up at him with a smile before he removed his own boxers. Louis' eyes grew wide. Harry was fucking huge! He licked his lips from the sight. It should probably make him feel put off but it just turned him on. He didn't have the courage to say that he was bi or something but he was most definitely Harrysexual and he was fine with that. It was such a relief to feel that, that it was okay. He gave Harry a dirty look before he stepped into the shower.

Harry came into the shower with him and after they turned the water on Louis pushed Harry against the shower wall and kissed him hungrily. They were soon breathing erratically but Harry once more stopped.
"Lou, God you drive me crazy. I just, are you sure you're okay with this? I'm sorry I'm nagging you about this but I just don't want you to regret this or..."

Louis cupped Harry's cheeks and looked him in the eyes.
"You're so sweet. Thank you for always looking after me. I'm okay. I still have a hard time grasping this but I like you and I'm really attracted to you. I'm Harrysexual, okay?" Louis said the last part with a smirk.

Harry smiled.
"That works for me."

They smashed their lips together again and this time Louis would experience how it felt to masturbate together. He liked it. He liked it a lot.

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