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^this is blood red if you didn't know. Enjoy xoxo

Andy's POV.

"No..please don't do this.." I plead backing into the stone cold wall.
"I've got you now Prince Andy. No ones coming to save you." A slender man with dark eyes and an evil grin spits.

"Your little husband is already dead and your next."
"Please Im sorry I just.."
"Shut it !" He screams bringing the blade to my neck "When you see him tell him Mickey said hello"
Before he pulls the blade across I wake up starring at the ceiling.
My breath heavy and fast with a little sweat running down my face. It was a nightmare.

The sun is shining brightly through the curtains of...Ryan's room? Oh god I'm in Ryan's room! When did I get here. I try to take a deep breath but something is heavy on my mid section. Ryan's arm is draped on me, slightly holding my side. He's laying flat on his stomach with his head towards me. His soft pink lips parted letting quiet snores through. The sun shines on his cheek making him look even more flawless than he already is.

He stirs opening one eye then closing it again.
"You alright? You look like you've just seen a ghost." His voice is low and raspy. The butterflies in my stomach seem to take a liking to the way he sounds.

"Ah um. I had a N-nightmare." What's wrong with me? Why did I sound so nervous? Am I nervous?

"Aww. I'm sorry." He whispered pulling me down to were our faces are level. "Do you want to talk about it?"

His eyes still closed buts every inch of the sentence seemed to show he was concerned about me. I smile at the simple sentence.

"No. I'm alright."

"Well, okay then." He snuggles closer to me putting his head in my neck. My entire body tenses up. What do I do? Do I let him cuddle me? Is this weird ? I look frantically around the room for answers.

A low chuckle comes from him "Calm down Andy."

"What?" I snap out of my freaked state.

"Just let me cuddle you." His lips softly touch my neck. My entire body is numb. Calm down. I think to myself. What is going on with me today?

"W-why do you want to cuddle me." An uncomfortable laugh escapes my lips.

"Because your cute. And this is what I do to Brooklyn when he sleeps in here."

My face flushed at the statement. He called me cute?But the better question is why does he cuddle with Brooklyn. After a minute my body slowly relaxes into his touch.

A burning feeling is coming from my side. His fingers are touching my skin underneath my shirt. My breath stutters.

"Geez you really haven't been touched." His hot breath on my neck sends shivers through my body.

"Um yeah I h-haven't. Sorry.." I frown feeling suddenly feeling insecure about the whole situation.

"Don't be sorry...It's just a change from last night."

"I'm sorry. I-I was sad and not really m-myself." My fingers brush over his arm slowly.

"Mm" he hums kissing my neck "You don't have to say sorry with me. Okay? I'm here as your learning experience. I won't judge you."

"Okay...can I ask a question?"

"Mmmhmm?" He hums again.

"Why do u keep kissing my neck?" My cheeks burning At my own question.

"It's called affection Andy." He laughs placing his lips on then off a my neck right below my ear.

"It's interesting...d-do it again." I stutter out.

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