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Ryan's pov

"Why didn't you just listen to me?" Brooklyn sighs as he continues to scribble something onto paper.

I'm sat with my legs up on the cushion of the window nook in the King's study. Today my father didn't have enough strength to get out of bed, so I'm taking over his responsibilities until further notice. Even if he gets better I don't think his head is in the right mind set to be king. When I speak with him I don't recognize him. He's here but he's not himself. And it's only getting worse as time goes on.

"I don't know...I'm sorry."

Brook was right, I should've done what he told me to do. I should've walked in with Andy like a future king would've. And I wish I had because my few minutes of freedom, ended up in a public fight with my mother.

"It's fine. Nothing we could do about it now." He leans over handing me the letter he wrote. "I need you to read this."

"What is it?" I mumble reading out the first few lines. I soon realize it's a not a letter it's an invitation.

The royal family is delighted to announce the wedding between
Prince Ryan Beaumont of Spain and prince Andrew Fowler of England. We would hope to have the honor of your presence during this happy time. The countries Spain and England are very pleased to come together and have an unbreakable alliance. This will be a wonderful celebration for our kingdom. This event will be held right before the first snow fall of the year.

My face drops after reading it, the wedding slipping my mind completely with all the other things that have been going on. My mother on top of me about being a great king. All of me and Andy's drama the last few weeks. The wedding always being a future event unlikely to happen until father said other wise.

"You forgot about it didn't you."

"Mm." I hum handing the letter back to him.

"Are you not excited about the wedding?" His eyebrows furrow. The letter being set back on the desk, Brook leaning against it afterward.

"I am. I just...I don't know." I pause trying to find the words. "I've always loved the idea of falling in love and getting married, but.."

"It's different when it actually happens?" He finishes my sentence somehow reading my mind. My eyes wander down to my fingers, twisting my gold ring as a distraction.

"I'm so in love with him Brook...and I just don't want anything to happen to him because of me."

He contemplates for a second picking up a small marble off the desk and rolling it In his hands. I admire how chaotically organized my best friend is. Always keeping up with me and my family's tasks. Never late to anything. Somehow always perfect. Yet his appearance was always anything but. Messy hair and on occasion, very mismatched clothes. Only looking the part of a royal advisor for events and balls. But it was refreshing knowing he had his flaws.

"You can't protect him from everything Rye." I frown looking back down at my hands. Andy decided this morning, that the gold and silver engraved lion ring went with my personality. I tried to protest not really understanding what he ment, but ended up giving in anyways after a few seductive kisses. "He's also a big boy, he can can take care of himself." I roll my eyes at his comment

"I know he can. But every time I've had something good, I mess it up some how." I take in a deep breath letting my head fall back on to the wall I'm leaned against.

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