A Kings Heart

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Andy's POV.

"You look fine Andy." Sonny huffs, having repeated the words for the fifth time in a row. "He's already in love with you. You don't really have to dress to impress."

"That's not the point Sonny I just... I don't know..."

It's the sixth costume I've put on and I still can't seem to like the image I see in the mirror. Why am I so stressed about this party? I honestly have no idea. Something keeps telling me if I'm not perfect then it's all going to fall apart. That me and Ryan will fall apart. Our situation seeming to always be so fragile.

"What if I do something wrong...and he suddenly doesn't want me anymore.." Sadly, the thought has been in the back of my mind for awhile. Never really saying it out loud until now.

"What could you possibly do to make him fall out of love with you. You should see the way he looks at you." Sonny rolls his eyes laying back on my bed.

Harper and Sonny came to help me get ready for the celebration tonight. Sonny being more help than Harper, who has been sat by the window in deep thought.

"How does he look at me exactly?" I pull off the green colored coat tossing it into the chair fully frustrated. Every color seeming to turn ugly when I put it on.

"Like he would do anything, give anything, or be anyone for you. Like you're what matters to him most in this world." Sonny's words are calm as he casually tosses a pillow in the air. This being one of the things I envied about Sonny. His carefree go with the flow mood, the unfazed face he always managed to have. Almost like he knows what was going to happen before it does.

"No...he doesn't." I say the words under my breath knowing Sonny wouldn't believe me.

I smile as desire for Ryan quickly replaces the envious thoughts of Sonny. The push and pull back and forth of loving each other finally colliding to form a sort of safe harbor. The force of the pushes might have broken other people apart. Not us apparently. Nope, cause here I am so gravitated towards him it hurts. His every move affects me. The way he smells. The way he laughs. How he looks when he's working on future kings things. Or how he smiles at me when he thinks I'm not looking.

"Hello? Earth to Andy!" Sonny pulls me out of my Ryan fantasy waving frantically in front of me.

"Huh? Sorry what did you say?" I blink letting my eyes refocus on the black haired boy in front of me.

"I said, maybe we should check on Harper he seems to be in a mood." My eyes travel towards my window. Harpers smile is nonexistent and his head rests against the window looking longingly outside.

"Harper? You alright?" I carefully walk towards him. It wasn't a sunny day, the sky staying an off grey. Little rain showers falling every now and then.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah I'm fine. You um should wear the black costume. That's my favorite."

I frown taking a seat next to him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing...it's just Brooklyn is confusing."

I feel my cheeks burn slightly from the mention of Brooklyn. Little flashes of this mornings events with Ryan play through my mind. Brooklyn walking in, me being so worked up Desperately wanting him to leave. I hadn't thought about about it until his name was said, and now I felt embarrassed.

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