2 - The List - Sophie

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"We're going to accomplish so much with quarantine! We can bake, and clean out my office again, and really work on the animal's diets! This is going to be great!" Edaline said, writing down ideas. The Ruewens had just gotten the news of the mandatory quarantine in the Lost Cities. Edaline was enthusiastic, wanting to get work done. Sophie was kind of dreading the next few weeks.

Once there had been a bad earthquake in San Francisco, and Sophie and her family were stuck in their house for a week. They had everything they needed, but not a lot of things to do. By the end of the week, they had started hiding in their rooms to get away from each other, and the word board game made Sophie want to throw up.

"I could show you guys some human things," Sophie said. Mr. Forkle had started bringing her boxes of things like movies, books, and other human things the Lost Cities didn't have. Dex thought all the human technology was hilarious, and Biana became obsessed with rom-coms.

"Okay, kiddo. I have some paperwork I've been needing to do too." Grady said, ruffling her hair. "Do you have homework to catch up on?"

"Always." Sophie groaned. Defeating the Neverseen meant missing a lot of school, and she had been trying to catch up for months. "Maybe I'll finally finish it."

"Well, I'm going out to feed the animals, and then these custard bursts should come out of the oven, and then we can play a human game, and then I want to organize my office!

One Week Later

Sophie grabbed the 5th Marvel movie of the day and popped it in to the TV Mr. Forkle had brought her.

"Who's this one about?" Edaline asked from the couch. She was in pjs and covered in a bunch of blankets. Grady was sitting next to her, also in pjs. Sophie went to sit back down in her cocoon of blankets, with Iggy nestling in her hair.

Edaline had been excited for quarantine, but after doing everything there was to do, they had even gotten Verdi to eat vegetarian, she realized it wasn't as good as it sounded. She had baked so much that their kitchen was overflowing with sugar, and they couldn't give it away. All the animals had been pampered like never before. Grady had finished all of his paperwork, and Sophie was done with her school work. This was why Sophie had brought out the Marvel movies. They were about halfway through, they had started binging yesterday. Sophie also spent a lot of time texting her friends.

"This one is another with all of them," Sophie explained.

"Is the arrow guy going to be in this one?" Grady asked. Sophie laughed.

"Hawkeye, and yes, he is."

"Okay. I like the arrow guy. Are he and the redhead dating?"

"Black widow, and no, its- well, you'll see."

"Grady, just watch the movie." Edaline said, conjuring some ripplefluffs as a movie snack.

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