[Nagito Komaeda's Birthday Special]

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Me: So,It's Nagito's Birthday...And I Wanna Do Something For It. The Only Thing I Can Come Up With Is Something X Reader Related Since People Seem To Enjoy That But I Can't Really Make It Fair As The Reader Will Live A Normal Life Which Is Something I'm Not Used To Writing So I'll Simply Replace That With My Oc Luna Because I'm Bored.

Nightmare: Why Not Use Someone Else?

Me: I Rather Luna Because She's My Oc And I Literally Use Her For X Reader Inserts.

Amy: You've Got A Point. But Now That We Have That Decided,Why Not Start Since,The Reader's Wanna Read The Special Already?

Me: Alright. Here We Go,I Hope You Enjoy~!


It Was A Normal Day For Everyone In Castle But For One Person,And That Was Luna. She Spent The Last Few Weeks Pacing Around Her Room For An Idea On What To Do For Her Best Friend's Birthday. She Had Ask Her Older Brother And Everyone Else In The Castle For Advice On What To Do But They All Told Luna "It's Up To You To Decide That On How Much You Know Him." She Was Simply Clueless Not Getting What They Meant Until She Thought About It The Over The Weekend. She Wanted To Throw A Party For Him To Celebrate But Then She Realized That She'll End Up Paying Attention More To The Others Than Him,Himself. That's When Luna Thought Of Something Smaller,Like A Simple Hangout Or A Date. Well Yes,Luna Somehow Fell In Love With This Hope Obsessed Boy.

Some Fucking How She Managed To Fall In Love With Him. Not Because Of His Looks But She Loved Him For Himself,He Was Extremely Special To Her And Hang Out With Each Other A Lot,But Mostly In Groups Since They Can't Find Some Alone Time For Themselves But Luna Was Gonna Change That Up For His Birthday,Now Everyone Pretty Much Knew About How Luna Loves Him,Hell He Even Loves Her As Well. Luna Is Oblivious To These Feelings And Every Time She Thinks About It,She Shakes It Off And Tell Her Friends That She Doesn't Want To Feel This Way Anymore.

Demonic Was The First To Speak About What Luna Said. "No." Was All He Said. "Why Not?!" Luna Yelled puffing Her Cheeks. "The Answer Is Simple,Really." Nightmare Sighed. "Luna,You Mustn't Ignore These Feelings And Throw Them Away." Amy Told Luna. "It's True. If You Get Rid Of These Feelings,You Won't Be Able To Feel Them Once Again For That Person. You'll Act Different From How You Do Without The Feeling Of Love For This Person." Abyss Explained. "So It's Better If I Confess And Get These Feelings Off My Chest?" Luna Asked,Confused. "Yes. Who Knows You Might Be Lucky And You Both May End Up Feeling The Same Way.~" Shadow Teased. "That's Ko's Talent. He Is The Ultimate Lucky Student,So If I We're To Confess Anything Can Happen To Me With His Luck. I Don't Really Care If I Get Hurt But What If He Rejects Me?!" She Screeched. "Luna,It's Better To Do It Now Than Later Or Else It'll Hurt Even More." Demonic Explained. "Hm..Fine. I'll Confess To Him On His Birthday.." She Admitted In Defeat. 'Time To Spy On Luna When The Time Comes.' Jack Thought.

Those Events Lead Up To Here. Luna Has Asked Nagito To Meet Her At The Park At Noon. She Had Woken Up 2 Hours Before The Time Since She Had To Prep For It. She Simply Went To The Bathroom Doing Her Morning Routine. She Went Downstairs For Breakfast And Got Looks From Everyone As They Knew About Her Confession Plan But They Have Extended It A Little.
Luna Ignored Them But Her Face Was Flushed Red Since She Was Embarrassed And Was Resisting The Urge To Scream "Idiots!" At Them Like The Tsundere That She Is. She Calmly Ate Her Breakfast,Thinking About Her Plans With Nagito. After She Had Finished Eating,She Headed Over To The Living Room And Talked With Her Older Brother And Friends. They Have Of Course Teased Her Casuing Her To Scream "Shut Up" But In A Flustered Manor. She Ran Upstairs Into Her Room,Cooling Herself Down But Then Having A Panic Attack Thinking About What Would Happen If Things Were To Go Wrong. "Luna,Calm Down. If Things Don't Go As Planned,We Use Our Back Up Plan." Miku Told Luna,Who Just Teleported To Her Like It Was Nothing. Luna Paused And Took A Breather. "Your Right,Miku! We Can Make This Happen,No Matter The Outcome!" Luna Said Cheerfully (With Hope In Her Eyes). She Took A Look At The Time,12:10. She Spent 10 Minutes Panicking Even Though It Only Felt Like A Few Seconds. "Miku,I Gotta Go!" Luna Said,Grabbing Her Bag Along With Some Sort Of Enchanted Flower. Luna Rushed Downstairs Giving Everyone A Quick Hug And A "Bye,Love You!" Before Heading Out Of The Castle To Border. Luna Made It To The Border,Opening A Portal Leading To Komaeda's World And Going In It,Closing It Behind Her.

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