4- Now

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Now, Dowoon and his friends graduated from high school. They had abandoned the idea of college and went straight to fulfilling their music career. They didn't want to be in any labels now, so they just did small gigs here and there to earn some cash.

They had lots of recommendations and even got scouted a few times but only selected members were. Seeing as they wanted to this together, the offer was turned down.

One thing did change the group significantly though. Younghyun was asking Sungjin and Dowoon for advice when it comes to confessing their love to someone. This was what changes everything. He never mentions who it was that he liked, but Sungjin was sure that it was someone in the group.

It wasn't like her never dated anyone before. In fact, he had plenty of girlfriends back in high school so confessing shouldn't be anything new to him. None of his dates lasted more than a month, Younghyun simply stated 'Im just trying something out' but never said what it was.

So everyone just assumed he was figuring out the type of girl he liked.

Dowoon and Wonpil never kept in contact with each other, they talked for about a year when suddenly Wonpil's messaged less and less each passing day. Dowoon knee he wouldn't be able to keep this friendship, so when the texts stopped, he never bothered to say anything.

He didn't want another heartbreak. But Wonpil still lingered in his mind, he couldn't help but think about him. He only has one regret.

Never taking a picture of that beautiful smile that lit up the world.

Wonpil had plenty of Dowoon pictures, but Dowoon himself had nothing of Wonpil.

Dowoon layes on his bed, wrapped with his thick bedsheets. He would never forget about the amount of fun he had during spring of sixth grade. It was his best year as far he knew. Every other school year sucked because certain someone was never there.

He couldn't help but feel his eyes start to water. He closed them tight, wishing they would just go away. But they didn't, they only flowed down his cheeks as he remembers the time they had spent.

His mind suddenly went back to a promise they had made, one he kept without even realizing.

Dowoon looked at his phone, debating whether he should write this or not.

I was just wondering
Will I ever see you again?

Of course you will
I promise
We'll meet and everything
Will be back to the way they were

I hope so
I promise that too
Everything will be normal
Once we meet

Dowoon wiped his tears but more only came. He knew he loved Wonpil with his whole mind and body and soul...with his whole heart! How could he forget someone who changed him so drastically?

It was near impossible and was just too hard to accept.

He sighed. He got a sudden inspiration to write a song, so that's what he did. He didn't care if it was four in the morning, he wanted to let his feelings out.

Let them flow...

The promise that we shared
Had broken the time you left
And though we still spoke
I'm not sure if this would last

A story told in spring
So sad yet so happy
Do you dream of me
Because I dream of you

Do you remember
The promise that we had shared

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