Chapter 7: Hero training

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"When someone is talking"

'when someone is thinking'

"When All Might is talking"


(Midoriya's POV)

I was sitting in class talking with Kachan about what we were going to do today when someone knocked at the door.

"I'm here! coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might said entering the class "Wow All Might" I said " He is wearing his silver age costume" Kaminari said, then All Might cleared his throath and said "Today we have hero class and I'l...

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"I'm here! coming through the door like a normal person!" All Might said entering the class "Wow All Might" I said " He is wearing his silver age costume" Kaminari said, then All Might cleared his throath and said "Today we have hero class and I'll be your teacher! so go change in your hero costume and meet me in field gamma". Everybody got up from their seats and walked towards the locker room.

While I was changing in my hero costume I noticed that my mouth piece was a gas mask but since I had fangs I didn't wear it , I just placed it on my neck just in case, at least the rest of my costume was ok: It had black boots with iron soles, a red utility belt for bandages and a little knife, white gloves made out of a particular material made to resist One for all and a green hood with a protection for my cat ears.

While I was changing in my hero costume I noticed that my mouth piece was a gas mask but since I had fangs I didn't wear it , I just placed it on my neck just in case, at least the rest of my costume was ok: It had black boots with iron soles, a r...

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I walked out of the locker room and saw everybody was ready, "Wow Izuku your hero costume is so cool" Uraraka said smiling at me "Thanks Ochako you look.." I couldn't finish the phrase because my eyes fell on her costume "I know.. my costume is skin tight, it's not like I requested it but I can work with it" she said blushing

"Y-you look b-beautiful" I said blushing "Thank y-you" She said blushing as well "Oi love birds stop flirting and get a room" Kachan yelled at us  making us blush even more

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"Y-you look b-beautiful" I said blushing "Thank y-you" She said blushing as well "Oi love birds stop flirting and get a room" Kachan yelled at us  making us blush even more.

"You know, I told my students to meet me here but all I am seeing is a group of young heroes" All Might said looking at us "Now for this exercise you will be fighting each others in team of two person" He said and then he picked two teams from a wooden box placed right next to him "Ok so for the first round team Midoriya and team Iida will fight each other, and now I'll explain the rules: The hero team has to either handcuff the villains or catch the bomb, The villain team has to either protect the bomb or knock the heroes out" All Might said and we prepared our selves.

The teams were: Me and Ochako against Kachan and Iida, the villain team entered the building to prepare so in the meantime we came up with a plan "Ochako I have a plan" I said "Ok Izuku what is it?" she asked "We both know Kachan, and he will definitly come after me , so I will be a distraction and you will sneak behind him and then we will handcuff him, after that, since Iida is faster than us, I will use One for all to keep him away while you secure the bomb.. Got it?" I said and she simply nodded.

We entered the building and kept walking inside the maze 'Come on Kachan I know you are here, show your self already'  I thought looking for him "I found you nerd" I heard Kachan yelling right before blasting an explosion at me that burned alf of my hood "Hey there Kachan you come here often?" I said trying to keep the attention on me as Ochako walked behind him "I know what you are up to, so I will end this with one shot and then I will knock out your girlfriend too" He said while pointing is arm at me "You know how my quirk works don't you? this gauntlets aren't just for show, they absorb my sweat and when they are full I can blast a big explosion " He said smirking, then he pulled the pin and a gigant blast came at me, I barely dodged it "Young Bakugo stop it! If you use again your gauntlets I will have to stop the match, you could have killed him"  All Might said from the speakers "Don't worry All Might he won't die as long as he dodges" Kachan said with a scary expression "Ochako now!" I yelled "On it" she replied from behind Kachan "Double...." We yelled in unison while launching at him "Claws drill" we yelled as we jumped from wall to wall and hit him with our claws while rotating as two drills, We hit his gauntlets destroying them, then Ochako jumped over him and I handcuffed him we stood up and said "Pound it" as we did Kachan was mad "When the fuck did you learn that?" He yelled at us "Well you see, since we got together we started working on special moves and we came up with a bunch" Ochako said and I nodded in agreement.

"Bakugo what happened I heard a big noise" Iida asked from Kachan's speaker but he didn't answer since we taped his mouth. We walked upstairs and found Iida talking to the bomb, He turned around and said "I am..."

We couldn't help but laugh at his interpretation of a villain "Who is there? Bakugo ?" he asked then I left my hideout and said "Nope just me" He then tried to run at me but a blast of wind slammed him agaisnt the wall 'I used One for all at 10% i...

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We couldn't help but laugh at his interpretation of a villain "Who is there? Bakugo ?" he asked then I left my hideout and said "Nope just me" He then tried to run at me but a blast of wind slammed him agaisnt the wall 'I used One for all at 10% in my right index finger, it hurts but at least I didn't break it'  I thought as Iida got up "I will stop yo-" he got cut off by All Might saying "Hero team wins"  Iida looke confused "Wha- how?" he said and I pointed at Ochako who was waving at him from behind the bomb "oh...I see well, good job Midoriya and Uraraka you beat us!" He said smiling.

After the match we were surrounded by our classmates asking us how did we beat Bakugo so easily and how did we come up with that special move. We answered the questions and changed back in our school uniforms while heading back in class.

(the others matches were like the anime)

"Oi nerd!" Kachan yelled at me from his seat "Yeah?" I asked "Congrats but next time I will beat your ass with my special moves got it?" He yelled at me "Yes Kachan, next time I will come up with a different move" I said then we both smirked accepting the challenge.

Walking home Ochako had to answer to a phone call and said that she had to go home quickly so she gave me a peck on my cheek and ran away then we arrived home, I took a shower and patched up my burns on my left shoulder 'dammit that blast could have killed me, I need to be more careful next time'  I thought and then I went to bed.


End of chapter 7

hope you liked it

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