The Epilogue

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"All Might"


( No one's POV)

It's been years since Midoriya, Uraraka and Bakugou graduated from UA.

They are now both 22 years old, on a beautiful spring day,  we see Midoriya and Bakugo following a villain in the main street of the city.

"Oi, get your ass back here !" Yelled a very enraged Bakugou, well, who could blame him, they've been chasing the villain for 2 hours now.

"Fucking speed quirks" said a very exhausted Midoriya, " Oi heroes" yelled the villain, they both looked up at him " Choose, me or the crowd!" yelled the villain kicking a car towards the crowd of civilians that was watching the fight.

The heroes looked at each other and nodded, Midoriya jumped in the air and grabbed the vehicle with his Black Whip, stopping it form harming the crowd of people, this action earned some thanks and cheering from them.

Bakugou, on the other hand, jumped up and pointed is right arm towards the villain, " Armor piercing shot... Auto cannon!" he yelled shooting a round of bullets towards the villain.

The villain looked back and started dodging the bullets as best as he could, then he started laughing " Ah ah ah ah, are you blind or something, none of them hit me!" he yelled.

Bakugou smirked " Oh that's because I was just a distraction" he said, the villain's eyes widened " Detroit..." he heard a voice behind him, and turning around he was met with Midoriya's fist in his stomach "... Smash" yelled Midoriya knocking the air out of the villain's lungs.

The villain fell on the ground knocked out, the two heroes used some handcuffs to restrain him, then they faced each other "Nice job nerd" said Bakugo Smiling " You too" said Midoriya before bumping his fist with Bakugo's.

Suddenly Midoriya's phone rang " it's 6 in the morning, who could be calling me at this time?" a confused Midoriya asked himself.

"Hello?" he asked answering the phone call " Hi dad it's me Eri" said Eri in a worried tone " Hi Eri, what's up?" he asked his daughter with his bright smile "It's mum, she's in the hospital" she said still worried.

Now it was Midoriya's turn to get worried " what do you mean?! Something happend? Is she okay? are you okay? when did this happen..." he started mumbling, Bakugo who could only watch with a sweat drop, shook his head " Old habits die hard" he said.

"Dad" said Eri, " you're mumbling" she added, but Midoriya kept on doing it until "DAD! For fuck sake listen to me!" yelled Eri genuinely pissed at him " Ok first off, language ! you're spending to much time with Katsuki, secondly, what is it dear?" asked Midoriya who stopped mumbling after his daughter outburst.

"As I was saying, mum is in the hospital because her water's broke this morning, so I called Grandma Mitsuki and drove her to the hospital, she is going through labor now, you should hurry up" explained Eri in a calm tone " oh okay, bye then" said Midoriya in a calm tone.

Putting down the phone he stared at Bakugou " So? what happend? " asked Bakugo " Oh, nothing... Ochako is giving birth right now" he said " Wait, OCHAKO IS GIVING BIRHT! " he yelled realizing that he had to go to the hospital now " Congrats nerd, I'll handle the villlain, you go" said Bakugou smiling, Midoriya only nodded and started running with One For All at 100%.

After a 5 minutes trip, he finally arrived at the hospital, Ignoring the stares he was receiving because he was still wearing his hero costume "miss, I need to know where Ochako Midoriya's room is" he asked the receptionist " yes sir, room number 230," answered the receptionist earning a nod from our hero.

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