Chapter 12: The sport festival part 3

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"When someone is talking"

'When someone is thinking'

"When AllMight is talking"


(Midoriya's POV)

I walked on stage and saw that Todoroki was wating for me with his arms crossed. "Are the two opponents ready?" Midnight asked

"Yeah/yes" me and Todoroki said in unison

"Begin" Midnight said and Todoroki launched an ice wave at me that was as big as a mountain. I dodged it and started climbing it and whe I got on top I used One For All 10% to jump down and when my feet touched the ground it started shaking and a shockwave hit Todoroki making him loose balance.

I used this opportunity to run at him and punch him in the gut, I sent him some feet away but he stopped by creating an ice wall behind him, then he sent ice at me and I destroyed it with OFA  , I ran at him and scratched his right hand.

Then something caught my attention: His movements were slower hand ice was forming on his body while he was shivering "Todoroki you have to use your fire" I yelled at him "I said I will win without using his side" he yelled back "You are shivering, stop hurting yourself and use your fire" I yelled "No! I won't use his si-" I cut him off yelling "It's your power not his god dammit!" his eyes widened at my words and suddenly fire started forming on his left side "I want to be a hero" He yelled.

I smirked and started rushing at him on all fours while charging OFA through my arms and jumped at him. He saw this and created a big explosion with ice and fire.

Cementos and Midnight tried to stop the fight creating some walls but they were destroyed by me and Todoroki, and a bigger explosion showed up, 1 passed and the dust finally got away.

I was still standing on the ring with my right arm broken and my fur a bit burned, I looked up and saw Todoroki lying unconscious out side the ring. "Midoriya Izuku wins" Midnight an Mic yelled in unison.

The crowd cheered as this had been one of the greatest battles in sport festival history, then I passed out due to exhaustion.

*Time skip*

I woke up in Recovery Girl's office and noticed that Todoroki was there too, but he was out cold (pun intended), I looked to my left and saw Ochako, but she was upset.

"Hey Ochako... so.. what do you think of the fight" I asked avoiding eye contact, she closed her eyes and inhaled then exhaled. "Izuku, I get why you pushed yourself like this, and I'm proud of you. But you still went really far. Just try to be more careful next time." she said "I promise" I said then All Might entered the room "I'm not here for small talk. I'm here to tell you I'm proud of you. You managed to save young Todoroki from the shackels of this father." He said.

I was given the okay to go, so we sat and watched the rest of the fights.

(the rest of the fights will be like in the anime. )

Now it was time to fight Kachan .  'I knew that he's gotten stronger since the battle training, but I need to win, for Ochako'  I thought.

"Now it's time for the final round ! Why don't you take this one, Erasur head?" Present Mic shouted, "Ugh.. On the left we have Izuku Midoriya and on the right we have Katsuki Bakugo" Aizawa-sensei said whit his bored tone "...That wasn't very impressive." Mic said "Shut up and let me sleep" Aizawa said.

"I'm not going to hold back nerd" Kachan said "Me neither" I said.

"Begin" Midnight yelled.

We rushed at each other, and I landed a hit on his face while he blasted me back with one of his explosions, I got up and charged OFA in my arms and rush at him , but he somehow caught up with me and landed a punch on my face.

I rushed at him again , we collided and Kachan landed a hit on me, I tried to scratch his arm but he blasted me away.

'He's gotten strong, I need to change  my fight style, I'm beeing too predictable, I can use 10% of my power, if I increase it I'll probably hurt my self... I need a stronger body par- wait a minute..'  " I HAVE LEGS" I yelled, then the crowd got silent, the only thing that could be heard was All Might facepalming.

I transfered OFA from my arms to my legs 'Since the legs are the strongest limbs, I could increase the power'  I thought, then I charged OFA at 15% 'It hurts but I have to win'  I thought. 

"Oi are you done? You are really starting to creeping me out with your muttering" Kachan said while propelling at me, I jumped  towards him and kicked him in the gut, he coughed some blood but then he blasted my face trowing me to the ground, I got up panting, "Look Kachan, I don't think we'll be able to keep on fighting like this" I said "You're right" He said as he propelled himself into the air while spinning 'Wait..he's using an ultimate move... I'll use mine then.. Ugh it'll hurt'  I thought charging OFA 100% in my arms.



I sharpened my claws


We landed the hit creating a huge explosion, when the dust disappeared, we were struggling to stand, both of my arms were broken and I had blood all over my ripped PE uniform, I looked up and saw Kachan with his right arm and his right leg broken.

Then the both of us fell on our knees then we passed out

"So, is it a draw?" Mic said, "Yes both Bakugo and Midoriya are KO" Midnight said and the crowd cheered.

I woke up in Recovery Girl's room, "Oh god, this time she's going to kill me" I said "you got that right" I looked at my right and saw Ochako, I began sweating bullets "You look beatiful right now" I said trying to calm her anger, she got up and came next to me, then I heard sobbing "You scared me for real this time, I knew that Katsuki wouldn't go easy, but you could've been more careful" she said while crying "I'm sorry Ochako but I had to go all out.. besides I won, well actually It's a draw, but I did for you" I said hugging her "You know, the ceremony should be in 5 minutes, we can stay here" she said while blushing and sobbing at the same time, My heart skipped a beat, we stayed in the nurse's office cuddling and kissing until I was called up.

I got onto a platform sharing the spot with Kachan, to My left I saw only Tokoyami. "Here to present the medals is the one and only... All Might" Midnight said "I am here! to present these medals!" All Might yelled

"Good job young Tokoyami, keep working hard, and you'll be a great hero in no time" He said "Thank you sir." Tokoyami said 

"So young Bakugo and young Midoriya, you both were amazing, but since we planned on having just one winner, we... uhh... splitted the medal in two" He said

"Thank you All Might" we both said in unison


end of chapter 12

sorry for the late update, but I had things to do.

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