Chapter 20 : All For One

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"All Might"


(Bakugo's POV)

after the heroes captured the villains, a black like liquid came out of my mouth and wrapped around me, after a few seconds, I was teleported in another place " *cough* What the fuck was that?!" I yelled, then I saw more of that black liquid, and the villains came out of it.

( two minutes earlier - 3D POV)

the building exploded and heroes such as MT Lady, Gang Orca and Best Jeanist were capturing all the nomus, "Ew, are this things really alive?" asked MT Lady "isn't this a bit to easy?" she added, "You must learn to distinguish between difficult and important, you novice" said Best Jeanist.

then some one yelled "Ragdoll! Come on talk to me" it was Tiger from the Wild Wild Pussycats, "Your teammate? Looks like she's breathing, that's a relief." said Gang Orca "But look at her... what did they do to you?!" Tiger shouted in anger.

Meanwhile the self proclaimed 'Bakugo's rescue team' was watching from behind a wall "See? the pro heroes were able to take the necessary action faster than we could, we should leave now, there's nothing left for us to do" said Iida "They mentioned All Might's team, that must be where Kachan is" said Midoriya "If All Might's there then we really have nothing to worry about, so let's just hurry and-" Yaoyorozu was cut of by someone saying "Sorry Tiger, but I've had my eyes on her quirk for a long time, it was just to good, I had to have it".

Everyone looked at the direction of the sound and saw a black figure walking towards them "Not another step!" yelled Gang Orca "Ever since I was reduced to this... I haven't been able to stock up as many as before" said the figure taking another step, but as soon as he did, Best Jeanist captured him with his quirk.

"Jeanist! what if he's just a civilian?!" asked MT Lady "Use your head... a moment of hesitation could allow the enemy to turn the tables on us" said jeanist "We mustn't allow a villain to pull any tricks" he added

(Midoriya's POV)

"Tomura's only just learned to think for himself... To carve his own path forward" said the villain "So if possible, I'd like to keep anyone from interfering with that" he added, suddenly all of us started trembling, before we could even look... Whatever happened was over in an instant, but it was enough time for that man to fill us with an utter fear of death.

 Whatever happened was over in an instant, but it was enough time for that man to fill us with an utter fear of death

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we saw ourselves die... '... Which means that someday you will fight against that ultimate evil... Perhaps.' suddenly All Might's words ringed in my head and then realization hit me ' He's talking about Tomura Shigaraki!  No way... it can't be, All Might... Don't tell me that...

 Don't tell me that

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