Chapter 12: Restless

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Okay, there are 15 chapters in total for this book. Hope you enjoy! :) Might be a double update today but no promises.

Specific Location Unknown
The Computer
5:30 PM
September 24th

Ben's POV:
We decided to attack tonight. My leg was healing fast since we were inside the computer. We figured this out a little while earlier when I was able to walk without the crutches only a couple hours after it'd been broken. Now it just felt like a small sprain. 

We decided to attack at 1:00 am since they'd almost all be asleep. I still felt really bad for what we were going to do. We were going to kill 10 people. 

Erica told me to get some rest because I'd need all the strength I could have. I was trying but I couldn't fall asleep. I tossed and turned but I was wide awake. Until I wasn't. One second I was awake, the next I was asleep. 

I had a dream, no, a nightmare. 

Erica and I were fighting the Spyder agents. We'd already killed a few. They lay motionless on the ground, blood pooling around them. There were only 3 left. I aimed at one and was about to shoot, when she dropped to the ground on her knees. 

'Please. Don't kill me. My kids are at home with a babysitter. If I die, they'll never see me again.'  

I hesitated for a second but that was all she needed. She sprang at me with a knife and stabbed me. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. The woman grabbed my throat and started choking me. I tried very hard to get up but I couldn't. I was starting to be unable to see as my eyes glazed over. I heard a gunshot and faintly saw a figure. As I began to breathe I saw that it was Erica, clutching me on the floor and crying. I was still shaking and panicking about the attack. I had been seconds away from death.

"Ben you have to be okay. You have to. I can't live without you." 

"I-I love you Erica." 

"I love you too."

"I'm- I'm scared. If I don't make it, I really love you. And I'm sorry."

"BEN. Look at me Ben. You're going to be okay. Just breathe. Deep breaths." 

I breathed in and out and was eventually able to stop shaking. I smiled a little and Erica took a deep breath.

"Thank gods." She smiled. "I thought I lost you." 

She leaned down and kissed me. When she pulled away I noticed the same woman holding a gun,  pointed right at Erica.

"Erica! Move! Gun!" I yelled. But it was too late. I heard the bang of a gunshot and an expression of agonizing pain on Erica's face.

I bolted upright. I was sweating.

"Erica? Where are you?"

"At the desk, why?"

"Thank gods."

Now I was injured and terrified. And to top that all off, Erica was scared of me. She said it was just how fierce and cold I can be to save the people I love, but I knew better. She was scared of me. Just me. I'd never known her to be scared of anything. But she was scared of me. 

Is she scared that I'll betray her? 

That I might turn evil? 

That I'll leave her? 

That I'll hurt her? 

Because I won't. 

I can't. 

I  literally cannot hurt her or even leave her. 

I love her and all I want is to make her happy. 

But I scare her.

Tears rolled down my face as I thought. I sniffled a little. Erica was sitting in the chair at the little desk next to the dresser where the tv sat. 

"Ben? Ben, are you-." She heard me and turned around. She looked at me and stopped. "... okay?"

I looked down.

"What's wrong?" She stood up and walked over to the bed. "Ben, what's wrong?" She sat down to my left and I turned my head. She placed a gentle hand on my right cheek and turned my head back. She wiped away a tear with her thumb. "Talk to me. Please. I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong."

"I had a nightmare."

"Okay, about what?"

I explained it and she gave a small smile. "What if we wore airpods so we couldn't hear them. It still sucks that we have to kill them but they made their choice. While they may seem innocent, they did join Spyder and agree to this mission. They'd need an operation, which would be up to them. They are not good people. They won't hesitate to kill us so we can't afford to hesitate either."

I nodded. She laid down next to me and I put my arm around her. She wrapped hers around my stomach and set her head on my shoulder. We talked and talked for hours. About anything and everything.

"You know what I really love about us?" I asked.

"How it's just really natural like we belong together?"

I kissed her. "Bingo."

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