Chapter 8: Trapped

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Heyyyyyy. No message except thanks for the support. Let's get right into it!

Top Floor
Ben's Dorm
8:30 AM
September 23rd

Ben's POV:
I woke up again at 9:00 and saw Erica had passed out again too. I shook her awake gently and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning, E." I whispered.

"Ughhh. 5 more minutes. Please. I'm exhausted."

"Fine, I'll get ready, but then I'm gonna come back and wake you up. And you're gonna get up, right?" *Sigh*


I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth. I walked back to my bed and took off my t-shirt and flannel pants. I slipped into the black outfit Catherine got me a little while ago and realized it was no longer loose fitting. It was tight and showed off my new muscles. I threw some light gray sweatpants over it and put on the white utility belt that I'd also received from Catherine a while back. I grabbed some necessities and made sure I had anything I may need. I grabbed a blue backpack and a green duffel bag to put everything in and was ready. I had extra clothes, sweatshirts, etc. I also went to Erica's dorm and packed or grabbed her bags of stuff. I had anything she or I may need and I was ready. I had to wake her up and tell her to get dressed because I'd already done everything else.

"Erica." No response. "Erica. Everything is packed and ready. But now you gotta get up and get dressed. We gotta go soon." She didn't even move an inch. "Ericaaa. Wake up uuuuup." I kissed her on the forehead and took the blanket. I saw her already dressed in her suit and gray sweatpants just like me. They looked familiar.

Wait are those my sweatpants? I think they- My thoughts were interrupted by her finally speaking.

"Three things. One, I'm already up and ready. Two, yes they're your sweatpants; mine are dirty. So if you don't mind, I'd like to wear these." I smiled.

"Of course E. Anything you want." Now she smiled.

"Thanks Ben. And three, after this we're gonna get you some new suits. That one is tight, though it still looks good and shows off your muscles, you're gonna need more and bigger ones." I nodded.

"It's now 9:00 so we have an hour or so to kill until we have to go. What do you wanna do?" She thought for a second.

"We could watch some Netflix. Ooh! 13 Reasons Why?" I nodded.

"Whatever makes you happy." We both laid back down in my bed and I turned on 13 Reasons Why tape 1 side A.

It was really sad and I hated Justin Foley for doing that to Hannah. I wanted to punch him, but of course he was and is not real. He betrayed her trust and that was not fair to her. But what upset me most was why Clay was a reason. It didn't make any sense. I glanced at the clock. 9:55.

"Shoot. Erica, we gotta go. We're gonna be late." She stood up and took my hand.

We jogged to the car and arrived with 2 minutes to spare. I sat down next to her. The drive to HQ was quiet. Her soft hand was still intertwined with mine. I looked at he and she turned. She held my gaze and we stared deeply into each others eyes. In the back of my head, I knew we still had 8 minutes until we arrived and Catherine was driving 2 rows ahead. I felt my face inch toward hers as she was also leaning in. We were centimeters apart. I leaned in and gently kissed her. I felt my face grow hot and blush, but I didn't care. I saw a faint pink spread across her face. I slowly pulled back a little and put my arms around her as she did the same. I rested my forehead against hers and just smiled as I lost myself in her eyes. We stayed like that for what felt like hours. Just hugging and being there and together. Though I knew it was only 6 minutes, it definitely felt like longer. We pulled into the driveway and I opened the door. Erica stepped out and I took her hand and kissed it. She laughed and bowed.

"Why thank you, good sir." I spun her around and grinned.

"Of course, Madam. My pleasure." I set my arm on her shoulder and she took my hand.

We walked in the building and Catherine smiled at us as she led us to the room. "Ah, yes, here we are, children!" Erica's brow furrowed.

"We're not children, mother." Catherine smiled again.

"Okay, I'm sorry."

We walked in and I looked at the computer. The whole front wall as a huge screen and there were a few rows of normal computers too. There were some chairs and we were escorted to the front. We sat down and they gave us various gear. We were told we would be sucked into the computer and would be able to train while in it. They turned the machine on and I grabbed Erica's hand. I felt nauseous as my head spun and then, it stopped. We looked around and we were in the computer! We spent an hour just touring the place and trying it out.

"This is awesome but I kinda wanna go get some food. Can you take us out please?" I asked.

"Of course!" A scientist replied. "Hold on!" He flipped the switch and pressed some buttons. "What the- oh no!"

Erica looked annoyed. "What?"

"A Spyder virus was somehow installed. I'm afraid you are stuck in there until we get rid of it. And the computer is deleting itself. It will be fully deleted in 5 days. I'm sorry. We'll slow it down as much as we can but you need to get to the virus and defeat it within that time."

"Well then, come on Ben, we've got work to do." She seemed way calmer than I was. I nodded. We started our search through the files.

Why does everything always have to go wrong?

Yay! I finally updated! Hoped you liked it! Later!

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