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 After two hours, they were still running further and further into the tunnel. Many people were dropping out because of exhaustion. Allumi cannot blame them, they were running for many hours now, and even she started to fell small signs of fatigue. Gon and Kurapika looked good, so she didn't have to worry about them, looking at Leorio, she could tell he was a whole different story. He was sweating and going slower and slower further they were going, and he looked like he was about to drop out, so she slowed down to match his speed and help him if he needed an assist. Stook her eyes from him and focused on the road ahead still, there were no signs of an exit. For a moment Allumi though she saw a white turf of hair, but maybe it was just her imagination, she thought to herself, but when she looked in the direction of the white object, she couldn't believe her eyes, there right in front of her was Killua, riding his skateboard. Allumi couldn't contain her happiness at the sight of him and was about to call him, but Leorios angry voice anticipated her in it.

"Hey! Wait up, Kid!" He angrily shouted. Her brother only looked at him with an untroubled face. "Huh?" Killua said and glanced behind him at the older man.

'Leorio is angry.....' Allumi thought to herself with a sweatdrop.

"You should show the Hunter Exam some respect!" The said man shouted, swinging his first in threat. The white-haired boy looked at the enraged man.

"What do you mean?"

"What do i mean, your skateboard. That's cheating!" Leorio furiously said and pointed at the yellow skateboard.

"Why?" Allumi brother replied, sounding genuinely confused.

"This is an endurance test!"

"No, it isn't." Allumi and Gon said at the same time making the arguing pair turn their attention on to them.


When a pair of crystal blue eyes locked with her pink ones, Allumi couldn't contain her smile when she saw her twin eyes comically widening.


"Gon, Allumi, what are you saying?" Leorio asked the pair with an outraged voice.

The green-haired boy looked at his female companion and smiled at her, then he turned his attention to the older man in front of him and locked hi brown eyes with his.

"Because the Examinator only told us to follow him," Gon began.

"He didn't tell us how we have to do it." And Allumi continued still running beside the struggling man.

Killua is very calm and collective for a 12-year-old but, when he saw his precious little sister, on the first phase of the Hunter Exam, away from home, where she was safe and sound. Where nothing dangerous could ever happen to her, he was concerned and happy for her at the same time. Killua is also very happy for his sister because she was finally free but, he is mostly concerned about her well being. Allumi is not even in half as strong as he is, so from now on, he has to protect her.

Meanwhile, when Killua has an internal crisis about our cute protagonist, she was thinking about her family members. She missed the small talks with her dad, the tea parties with her mom, playing with Illumi and braiding his hair, watching anime with Milluki, playing with Alluka, and making origami figures with Kalluto. She was getting homesick, and her mood was getting worse.

As if feeling her distress Killua slowed down to match her pace to grab her hand and lightly squeeze it. Allumi smiled at his small gesture.

"Are you two somehow related? You would look like exact copies of each other if it weren't for Allumis eyes." Gon asked as his eyes focused on the pair of whiteheads.

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