A × Surprising × Challenge

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 As Satotz started to walk back into the woods, the gate that separated them from the next stage started to open. There stood a young beautiful teal haired woman and an enormous man behind her.

" Welcome to the second phase of the hunter exam I am Menci, and this is my partner Buhara."

"Her voice is beautiful..." Allumi clapped her hands at her mouth, as her face becomes red in embarrassment.

"Well, thank you, number 406," Why did she say that it is beyond embarrassing everyone is looking at her. Allumis face becomes so red that it could rival Hisokas hair.

To her delight, deep rubble made everyone look back at the examinators.

"Sound to me like you're getting hungry," Menchi said while looking back at Buhara.

"Not just hungry, I am famished,"

"There you have it, Second Phase..." Dramatic pause, "Will be cooking," The teal-haired woman examined and pointed at the crowd.

Allumi was out of words to say. She did not have many female role models to look up to when she was growing up- naturally- there was her mother however Allumi was not close to her in her early childhood. The rest of the females she knows were servants, so they followed the family orders. It was the first time she saw another female dressed as boldly as Menchi is.



Allumi didn't bother to pay attention to the commotion that was happening behind her. She is solemnly focused on Sora as he bounces up and down, making funny faces at the white-haired girl.

Allumi hadn't even realized that the test started until Killua pulled her back into the forest.

"Hey, Killua, why are we going back?"

She could feel this question ticked her brother off because the hand that was holding to hers started to twitch a little.

"Idiot, didn't you listen to what the teal-haired hag told us? We have to find some pork, cook it and present it to her." His voice had a little bit of annoyance in it.

Find pork in these woods? How are they going to do it? She was not allowed to go outside the Zoldyck possession. However, Allumi knew that a market or a store could not be here.

"But, Killua, how are we going to get this meat? Is there a store in these woods?"

His sister's question made him freeze in his tracks. He forgot that she didn't know that he was an assassin, that their whole family were assassins. Killua didn't know what to tell her, ' What do you mean, how? We'll find them and kill them, simple as that' and then leave her with his words? They may not be close when they were younger, but he loves her. More than anyone in their forsaken family and, if he has to compete with Illumi for her love and attention, he will fight, and he WILL win.

However, the main problem is still present. Allumi is still standing next to him, eyes adorably shining with curiosity. Oh my god. If it is not the cutest thing he ever has seen, then he doesn't know what it is.


Oh no, what to tell her, okay, Killua, you are a trained assassin, you killed many people and did not show any hint of emotion, you can do this.

"W-w-well, You s-see," he silently cursed his stuttering, "we, um, we ar-e, we w-will ha-have to, k-ki-kil-"

"Killua! Allumi! Why are you two standing there like that?" Killua quietly prised Gon's ability not to read the atmosphere and thanked him for saving his ass at that moment. 

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