Hisoka × Is So × Sneaky

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Killua was right to be worried. They were running through wetlands for an hour now, and Allumi almost wandered off four times. Why she keeps doing that and how she got to the first Phase with her sense of direction is an enigma to him. He couldn't even take his eyes off her because as soon as he does, she runs off in a completely different direction than the group is going.

"Hey, Killua, look at this!" Gon said, and Killua looked away from his sister to see what he wants, this was his first mistake because as soon as he is brain registered what he did his head turned so suddenly that there was a crack, but she was not there.

His second mistake was to not look for her in the sidelines, but at the front, thinking that she just ran ahead and didn't runoff in the wild by herself, Killua should have known she did, it is Allumi after all a girl that got lost on a mountain that their home is on.

Panic started to crawl on to him, she wandered off and now is somewhere by herself where every animal is waiting for her to make a mistake and kill her, If she dies he will be traumatized for the rest of his life, and he will have to tell his family that she's gone because he couldn't look after her, it would be a disaster.

He would be lucky if he survived. Not even Illumi would be after his head, but his father and grandfather also, shes their favorite after all.


Allumi is having the time of her life. On her little adventure, she met many new friends, and now she is trying to befriend a big turtle that has strawberries on his back.

She has to say its slightly troublesome because he's trying to eat her, but she won't give up.

"So mister turtle, do you have a name?"

The only response she got was big jaws trying to catch her, she quickly jumped away and looked at the monster with an angry pout, she just wanted to befriend him, and he keeps trying to eat her, it isn't friendly.

"It's not nice that you keep trying to eat me, you know."

Once more she had to jump away, it's starting to get on her nerves, shes nothing but friendly to him and he still keeps trying to eat her. She was about to give up, but he bit her dress skirt and threw her in the air right above him and opened his jaws to swallow her whole. Allumi didn't even have time to react as she fell right into his jaws and slid down his throat.

Soon after she stopped, her brain registered what happened, and she couldn't contain her anger at the big turtle.

He dared to eat her when she only wanted to befriend him, and he eats her, and this is unforgivable. Just as she was about to punch the stomach wall until he vomited her, she heard a whisper next to her and something hairy touching her side.

It was dark, and she couldn't see it, but if it wanted to eat her, it already would attack her. She could tell that whatever it was in here with her, it is scared well she's not surprised she also is.

"Don't worry," she said to herself and the thing next to her. "Im gonna get us out of here."

Taking a deep breath in, she closed her eyes and concentrated on her heart rate, and counted to ten, as she reached ten her eyes opened, and her palm hit the side of the monster stomach creating a wave. Allumi waited a while before repeating the whole process faster and faster. Just as she was going to hit the stomach again, she heard deep rubble, and the next thing she knows, shes outside drenched in vomit.

Looking around herself, she saw the monster turtle walking away and big pink blob laying not far from her. Allumi carefully stood up and walked closer to it.

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