androids in detroit start to
develop a mind of their own,
straying away from their owners
and seeking their own freedom.
but a ragtag team of detectives
— C. ONE, stale coffee and late cases. FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH, 2038 — PM 10:34:08
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AVERY APLIN TAPPED her fingers against the lunchroom table, the metallic ting rang through her ears as she did so. The stiff metal joints in her prosthetic fingers scrunched as she tried her hardest to loosen them. The odd sensations made her hand feel uncomfortable, it seemed as if she needed to crack her knuckles. Yet, her left had had not been able to do so since she had the model attached. After all, it wasn't skin and bone. Despite it being attached to Avery body, it was not technically her own flesh and blood.
In her right hand, she held a book, balancing it on top of her thighs as her feet were resting atop of the small table where a half-empty coffee cup sat. It took great skill for the detective to not knock the cup off every time her leg gave an involuntary twitch. She knew it would be considered unprofessional, but she would just move them if someone told her to. Although, she was sure that no one would. No one at the Detroit Police Station particularly cared. Well, maybe the chief would but, he very rarely came out of his office to walk amongst the detectives on the floor below him. Besides, it was her break, there were far more important issues to attend to that didn't include whether one of their detectives had their feet on the top of a table or desk.
The brunettes earphones hung loosely down her chest, one placed in her ear as she listened to the song which played at just the right volume. She the other wire between her teeth, the one she was not using rested on her chest, moving with her rhythmic breathing. She hadn't been paying attention to the shuffled playlist which has been playing for the last ten minutes. Instead, her eyes were fixated on the pages in front of her. The words that were typed on the page in front of Avery were not the most intriguing. However, the story itself had been quiet gripping so far. She was never one to leave a book unread, even if it meant there would be a huge stack of them piled into the corners of her small bedroom.
That day had been nothing special to the detective. In fact, it had been deathly boring. If she had known that, perhaps she would have called in sick, opting to stay at home and listen to the rain that would hit her window. Maybe she would have spent the afternoon attempting to sloppily upgrade her arm, all to her brothers dismay who she was sure would be complaining from beside her. Instead, she had spent the majority of her day in the precinct filing paperwork on her own and occasionally getting up to stretch her legs and grab some coffee. Although, by doing so it allowed her to practically become cornered by people she did not necessarily want to see. Including some of her work colleagues.
Hank and Jason Anderson, the iconic uncle-nephew duo, who, for some reason, couldn't stand to be in the same room as one another for more than twenty minutes. It had become a running gag in the precinct that the pair actually despised each other. The joke, although over-exaggerated, was not far from the overall truth. It was not as if the two hated each other, rather, the pair hated working together due to their very different morals and work ethic. Avery had witnessed it over and over again, so much so thee pair were almost banned from working together. Although, the brunette would disagree, she believed that the pair were surprisingly similar.