Chapter 3 ♣The Excitement Ahead♣

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♠Ace's PoV♠

"Charles, Son! It's time for us to go!"I heard a voice calling out. I gave him a confused look, he gave a small frown then he looked at me and smiled innocently.

"It was nice meeting you Ace! I just want to say I really love your performances! You're so cool!"He said as he waved goodbye at me and started to run off.

"What just happened?" I blinked twice, I was confused but it didn't matter.

I sighed and grabbed my violin to head back to the place where I stay at. I headed to the broken RV where I stay with Arnold. I opened the door and gave the place a thorough look, the place was really messy. The smell of mixed garbage filled the room. There were plastic cups, popcorn bags, and trash scattered around the floor. The sheets on the bed were messy, plus the RV's walls turned to grey. Yup, that's Arnold, a messy disappointment...Which I find relatable. I put my violin on the side and just flopped onto the cushion.

"I'm so exhausted"I groaned as I stare at the dirty ceiling of the broken RV.

Arnold wasn't around, so the place was really quiet. I thought about how I just met Mr.Burham's son; it wasn't a big deal but that's something. I sat down and looked at the dirty mirror that hadn't been wiped for ages. I observed myself and struck a handsome pose.

"Man, I rock this mask"I laughed at myself as I took off the mask to reveal my face. I looked at my two different eye colors, I sighed.

"Being special has its price" I mumbled to myself. I don't wish to be normal nor do I wish to be treated differently. The circus is my home yet, I feel empty? Ugh, I'm having one of those reflective moments. I'm only 14 and yet, I talk like a dead poet or something. Suddenly, I heard the door open.

Then came in a drunk Arnold, still in his costume. Singing and walking like gravity just increased twice for him.

"Ah! My good boy Ace! How are you my boy?" He said in a drunk tone, he wasn't even looking at me. He sat beside me and gave me a pat.

"I'm fine. You're drunk again. Just get to your bed before-" Before I could even finish, he went collapsing on my sweet soft cushion. He was snoring already, fast asleep like he had been hit by a pan.

"Ugh. Well at least I'll have your bed then" I stood up and laid down on his bed. It was comfy and had more space. I wish I'd sleep on something like this,  but my cushion is already enough for me. I closed my eyes as I thought about the next day that will come ahead to me.

♥ Charles' PoV♥
"I'm here father!"I said brightly as I rushed to him and held his hand.

"How was the talk with Mr.Wellington father?" I asked in a happy tone, I was grateful and happy at what just happened tonight. Father kept his eyes on his watch and while I walk with him.

"It's good, How's your journey around the circus?"Father asked as he looked at me and gave me a smile.

"It was alright! I met someone special today!" I said in a joyful cheery tone.Father and I already made it out of the circus tent and started to head home. It was a cold night, the town's lamp posts shines through the night.

"Oh who did you meet?"Father asked in an interested tone.

"I met the Two Eyed Freak himself!"I shouted in the happiest tone I could. I was energized and happy! Ace seemed really nice.

"Oh? Did you? How was it?"

"Well, He had quite the humor but, he seemed nice! And, it was cool to see him up close!"I giggled as I recalled the small talk we had earlier.

"You weren't scared?"Father raised a brow at me.

"Why would I be scared?"I tilted my head as I gave him a confused look.

We both made it home to see Grandma waiting for us."Looks like you both had a great time, Wilson! Ready a bath for Charles right away!" Grandma commanded.

The butler nodded and left. "Grandma! I had such a wonderful day today! I can't wait to tell you!"I said as I was still filled with energy.

"That's lovely sweet heart but, there's a bath waiting for you"Grandma reminded.

"Okay" I scratched my head and headed to the bathroom.I just took a bath this morning but Grandma is such a clean freak.

I sat down at the tub full of water and relaxed, it was a long day. Suddenly, the thought of Ace went around my mind. He wasn't a celebrity but, for me he's a very cool person! I wonder if I could talk to him again next Friday night. What did he thought about me though? I grew nervous when I realized I did stalk up on him, but still! He introduced himself and he knows my name. I can't wait to talk to him again! I should bring him something as a sign of friendship. I giggled then I splashed water around as I grew excited for our next meeting. I finished taking a bath and headed to my room. There, stands a maid awaiting for me with my pajamas.

I pouted and sighed."I can dress myself! I'm 13 already!"I argued.

The maid giggled and pinched my cheek."I know, you're still my little sugar plum that I took care of" She giggled.

I blushed and looked away. I appreciate that she cares for me but, I'm 13! I can make my own decisions without an adult. Everyone is treating me as if I was 8! It's good at first but it gets really annoying.

"Can I dress myself please?"I begged with my puppy eyes. The maid sighed and nodded.

"As you wish, Master" She puts the pajamas on my bed and headed out.

"Finally.."I groaned a bit and picked up my clothes. I got dressed up to prepare for bed time. I looked at the mirror and gave myself a proud look. See? I can dress myself! I mumbled to myself. I looked around and I saw my desk filled with art materials, I picked up the mask I made which resembled a jester just like Ace's then I put it on my face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Give a round of applause for Charles the masked pianist!" I announced just like the Ring Leader would,I giggled and bowed as if I was in an actual circus performance. I looked at myself at the mirror one more time before I put the mask away and jumped to bed.  I turned off the lights and watched the ceiling for a couple of minutes then I fell asleep.

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