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Nico left to get himself clothes and I was already feeling sleepy. I got up and started getting undressed, changing into some navy blue basketball shorts and a blue T-shirt. Nico walked out from a nearby shadow and greeted me. He had a duffle bag, it was black of course. He set it on one of the bunk beds and looked around my cabin. A big water fountain in the middle of the room, some bunk beds and another room with my bed in it, the bathroom, kitchen, and living room all made my cabin look like a nice house.

"So Percy,"

Nico said my name slow and hesitantly,

"uh, where do you want me to sleep?"

This whole situation was just so pitiful. I feel terrible that Nico is seeing me like this.

"You can have my bed, the bunk beds are okay but my bed is better."

The bunk beds suck. When Tyson's here we both sleep on a set of bunk beds and talk into the late hours of the night, so I was used to the uncomfortable beds.

"So where are you going to sleep, Perce?"

I hated this whole conversation, I just wanted to go to sleep, why does it matter where. Nico was walking closer to me. We were on opposite ends of the water fountain, now he's standing in front of me. He's trying to catch my eye, but I won't let him, I feel so guilty. I know when he goes to sleep I'm going to sneak into the bathroom to do some much needed self destruction.

"Percy, how do I know that you wont go into the bathroom when we get settled or when I fall asleep?"

Nico's eyes caught mine. Suddenly I felt one thousand times more guilty. His warm onyx eyes were dim and full of sadness. I knew it was all my fault. It's become routine by now, during the day, the regular activities at camp, and the small conversations I have, I tally in my head the mistakes I make, saying the wrong words, or even stuttering. Tallying until I make it to my cabin so I can engrave my mistakes onto my skin. Nico grabbed my hand, his skin was cold and soft. I let him lead me to my bedroom.

"Were gonna share this bed tonight Perce."

Nico said that in a matter of fact tone, I knew no matter how hard I would argue with him about this, he wouldn't budge. It was a done deal. I slowly nodded my head and sat down on my bed. I noticed that I've hardly said anything since Nico's been here. Nico was looking at me expectantly.

"Um, l-look, Nico,"

I was going to apologize to him. I know how he's felt about me since he was a kid. I felt terrible that he has to be the one to look after me. I would have thought Annabeth, my girlfriend would have been the person to take care of me at this time.

"I'm really sorry that you have to see me like this. I know that I dont look very, well, heroic at the moment. And look, you really dont have to stay here with me. You can just go back to your cabin and we can just act like this didnt even happen, alright?"

I was practically asking him to leave me alone while I cut myself and to act like he didn't know what I was doing.

"Percy, I don't even know why you said that."

Nico rolled his eyes.

"There's no way I would do that."

He gave me a lazy look, it was worth a shot.

"Well I'm going to go change and I'll be right back out. Either you sit in the bathroom with me while I change so I can watch you. Or, you can swear on the river of Styx that you wont do anything while I'm gone for a few minutes."

I didnt want to invade Nico's space, so I swore on the Styx and let him change in the bathroom alone. He'd been in the bathroom for ten minuets already. I sat on the edge of my bed and scratched my scars until they started bleeding again. Another five minutes passed without Nico. My mind kept wondering to the razors I have under my bed. Just a small little cut for all the trouble I've put Nico through tonight. I grabbed a razor as fast as I could, not giving the promise a second thought. I rolled up my shorts and put down two cut marks on my inner thigh. I pressed my legs together to minimize the blood flow. Just in time because Nico walked out of the bathroom about a minute later. He wore black boxers, an oversized T-shirt and socks, all black of course. My eyes lingered on his short boxers, as I realized I quickly looked away with a blank face. I never understood how people knew they were blushing when them themselves couldn't see their own face. But I suddenly felt my cheeks get warmer. Nico raised his eyebrows and looked at his boxers. Putting a hand on the back of his neck and a small anxious smile sliding across his face said,

"Heh, yeah I forgot shorts at my cabin... I can't really go out now, well, unless I want to be harpy food I guess. And I think I've reached my limit on how many times according to Will that I'm suppose to shadow travel."

'Your shorts would be too big but offer anyways'

My mom's voice went through my head.

"I've got shorts."

"Thanks, that would be great."

I got up, trying not to wince from the pain on my legs, and rummaged through my drawers getting a pair of light blue shorts. Nico slipped them on, tucking his T-shirt into them, and tied the strings on them to make them fit better. They hung loosely on his hips still, but they outlined his chest nicely. He looked skinny from afar but up close, you could tell his muscles were well toned and his chest was defined. I got under the covers and held them up for Nico to go under. He got under and distanced himself from my body. I knew that my cabin got very cold at night, I'm used to it but I do remember Nico saying how he hated the cold. I snaked my gauze wrapped arm under the small of his back and hooked him. I pulled him over to me so that we were touching. He gave me a confused look but accepted it, the cabin's tempture was already dropping. A thought suddenly occured.


I began slow and hesitantly.

"Will isn't going to get mad that your here. With me. In my bed, right?"

I tried to emphasize every word in there to get my point across.

"What do you mean Percy?"

Nico sounded genuinely confused.

"Arent you and will dating?"

Nico's head turned to me. I could see the shadow from a nearby window highlighting his face. His eyebrows were raised and his pink plush lips were pouty.

"Um, no?"

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