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I must have dozed off, when I looked out of my window it was light outside. I looked at my clock, 7:00am. I rubbed the sleepiness out of my eyes and looked to my side. I was in my bed, alone, Nico was gone. A sense of fear washed over me and a million terrible scenarios of what happened to Nico crossed my mind. I jumped out of bed and looked in my kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Finally I figured he'd left sometime and went to breakfast or back to his cabin. I took a shower and, of course, felt refreshed and awake. I remembered all the things that Nico did for me last night, and all the things I put him through. I stepped out of the shower and tied a towel around my waist. I concentrated and made all the water roll of of my body and onto my shower rug. I looked into my medicine cabinet to look for my ADHD and ADD medicine. Making new marks on my arms were the only things running around in my mind. I took my pills and looked around the bathroom for my hidden razor blades. I looked where I normally kept them, strange, they weren't there? I scrunched my nose in confusion. I went around my cabin where I kept my blades in plain sight, and then once again to look in my hidden places. They were all gone. I looked at my arms, some of the marks were still a tint of red, but a lot of them were a lighter shade of my skin and were healed over. I rolled my eyes. I knew exactly what happened to my razors. Of course, Nico took them last night. Not gonna lie, I was kind of mad. I knew that he thought that me cutting myself was bad. But it really felt great, it was my release at the end of the day. He didn't know what he was doing. He didn't know anything! I was kind of mad, Nico hates me then he doesn't! He conforts me and he sleeps with me in the same bed! He thinks he knows what's going on with me, he hardly knows me. I was shaking with anger. I don't even know how I feel about Nico anymore, heck, I hardly know him! And he surely doesn't know me! I sat down beside the fountain in the middle of the room on the floor. The fountain was much like the campfire, when any of the Poseidon kids were feeling immense emotions, the fountain reflected them. I looked at the water. It was flowing out in choppy streams. There were small trickles of water and other spouts coming out fast and hard. The water was tinted red, which meant I was angry. The water, at the moment, annoyed me. It seemed everything annoyed me. 

'Yeah, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that I'm a little angry.' 

I could hear the venom in my thoughts, I willed the water to turn off. I put on some jeans and a T-shirt. I figured that the scars were healed enough to be able to wear a T-shirt and no one would notice them. I walked down to the pavilion to get breakfast. I sat down at my table. There were only two other kids in the pavilion since breakfast ends in about ten minutes. I thought about blue eggs. I scraped more than half of them into the fire for Poseidon and sat back down. I was about to finish my breakfast when I heard a gasp. I scrunched my eyebrows and turned around to Annabeth standing beside me.

"Hey Wisegirl." 

I greeted her cheerfully and with a somewhat forced smile. I actually was happy to see her. All thoughts about me like Nico and being mad at him left my mind immediately. 

"Hey Seaweed Brain, didn't mean to startle you, I just didn't think you would eat anything, you haven't eaten much lately." 

Annabeth's grey eyes stared down at mine, right into my soul as she sat down beside me. She smiled and continued, 

"So anyways, I've been reading this really good book, I know you don't like reading but it's in Greek and," 

She pulled the book out with a big smile and waved it at me,

"It's fiction, about Greek gods and demigods having to live in a world where there are only believed to be Egyptian gods! It's really good, so I want you to read it!" 

The book didn't sound good. But with Annabeth smiling and looking so happy, it made me want to read it a million times, even thought reading it once would take me a few weeks. I took the book in my hand as Annabeth was waving it at me. She gasped again and I felt pain shoot up through my forearm. I winced and closed my eyes.

"Percy.... What in the gods is this? 

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