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Will left the room in silence. It feel like hours before Percy woke up (probably like 20 minutes). But finally he was stirring. I couldn't tell if it was night or day, since the only window was covered. I entertained myself by trying to morph the shadows into animals. I made a fish but I failed at trying to morph a cow. Anyways Percy woke up. He bobbed his head and groggily opened his eyes. He yawned and tried to move his arms. He snapped wide awake. He struggled to move his arms and gave up when he realized his hands were tied to the chair. He glanced around the room not seeing me, and rested his head on his shoulders. His head lazily rolled over to me. He looked at me and smiled slyly. I wordlessly raised my eyebrows. 

"Fancy meeting you here, huh?" 

He said in a half hearted seductive tone as he gave me a toothy grin. I smiled and rolled my eyes. Thank the gods we're on speaking terms again. I don't think I could bear sitting beside him until our death, and not talking the whole time. Unbeknownst to most people, I talk. A lot. I chuckled at him. 

"Yeah, I suggested them to tie us up so we could have some quality time together." 

I wriggled my eyebrows suggestively at him. He stared at me for a second, trying to see the joke. Finally he laughed and hung his head. 

"But really," 

Percy said to me in a serious tone. He looked up to me with dull sea green eyes.

"What are we gonna do?" 

I huffed. I didn't know. I didn't know where they took us. I didn't know how to get untied. And I didn't know any ways for us to escape. Where we are... 

"Percy! They took us from the lake. Annabeth probably carried you, and Will carried me, right?" 

Percy nodded his head. 

"Try to tune into the lake! They couldn't have carried us far, we'd have been too heavy!" 

At last we finally had hope. Maybe Percy could summon the water and make it untie us or something. Or at the very least, Percy could re-energize with it.

"Nico, seriously, I'm so glad you came with me." 

Percy smiled brightly at me. I was glad he felt that way, I know I haven't been much help on this quest. Percy closed his eyes and concentrated. I sat there for a few seconds. Maybe we were too far away from the lake. Percy grunted and opened his eyes. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead. 

"We're too far away." 

He informed me in a monotone voice. I dropped my head. We were going to be fed love nectar and die in a cabin. Some heroes we were. I could hear Annabeth and Will's hushed whispers growing louder from behind the door. Percy and I glanced nervously at the door. Suddenly the door swung open and Annabeth stormed out with her dagger. She made a beeline to me. Her eyes were red. That defiantly wasn't normal, and practically snarled at me. She got behind me and grabbed my hair, pressing her dagger to my neck, she drew blood. Will ran out of the room after a few seconds. I could hear him gasp. 

"Annabeth, what are you doing!?" 

He sounded like he was shocked. She pressed the blade harder onto my neck, making a few drops of blood glide down my skin. 

"I knew that Percy loved Nico. Why on earth he would love you," 

She spat at me. The hatred in her voice was prominent. She again pressed the blade slightly harder. I winced. 

"Is beyond me. So I figured, if Percy loves you, then I'll have to kill you. We have loved each other since we were twelve, and your not going to come between that."

Annabeth's voice sounded far away. I wasn't blacking out, so her voice actually sounded like that. 


Percy grabbed her attention. I glanced at him. He was smiling gently at her. 

"I do love you. I'm over Nico, your the only one I love." 

Percy voice was tender but a bit forced. Maybe if he talked to her she would believe him, and not kill me. Will stood by the door like a statue, he watched the scene unfold in horror. 

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