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The tension in the room was unbearable. Percy was avoiding Hades and shooting me scared glances. I tried not to laugh. I cleared my throat and looked at my dad. 

"Dad were on a quest, as you know, and we heard that you had to give us something to help? Advice or a skeleton army or something?"

Hades gave Percy a glare and didn't even bother to look at me. 

"What's wrong with you?" 

He spat at Percy. Percy looked confused at first that Hades was talking to him. He looked up from the ground and still tried to avoid Hades eyes. Was he trying to be nice to Percy? 

"Nothing Hades." 

Percy answered in a braveish voice. Percy had cut himself, and just recently had to break up with Annabeth. He was going through some things. So of course there was something wrong with him. 

"Your father had asked me to see how you were. But if you don't want to tell me then whatever." 

Hades waved his hand dismissively. Percy's eyes flickered with uncertainty. Was he really going to tell Hades what he had done to himself? Was he going to tell his dad? It was pretty awakward to be standing there while Hades was giving Percy murderous looks and Percy was staring at the floor. I shifted my weight onto my other leg, and shoved my hands into my jean pockets. 

"Just tell him Annabeth and I broke up, and that I would like to talk to him as soon as possible." 

Percy puffed out to Hades. My eyes widened, hopefully Hades didn't take his tone as disrespectfulness. 

"Ah I see. So Percy," 

Hades stopped and though for a moment. He looked at me. I shifted uncomfortably. He scowled and looked angry all of a sudden. 

"Are you two dating? Perseus Jackson dating my son?" 

I panicked, are we dating? We haven't done anything! We haven't went on a first date like on a picnic or anything yet. So what were we? I looked at Percy, we locked eyes and I raised my eyebrows, waiting for his answer.

"No were not dating." 

Percy confirmed to Hades, who gave an approving nod to us. I was so confused, I thought that we were, maybe? I mean, he did break up with Annabeth for me. But I guess that could be misinterpreted. I had to hold in tears. 

"Yeah so anyways, what are you suppose to give us?" 

Luckily my voice didn't crack. I was on the verge of tears but I need to get whatever Hades was suppose to get us. 

"Ah yes. So what I'm giving you is a dagger." 

A dagger. I went all the way down to my dads palace for a dagger. Great. 

"Percy, only you can pick it up. You must be the one to kill William's captor." 

Hades looked dead serious. Ha, dead serious. Percy shrugged and nodded his head 'yes'. Achlys said that Percy wouldn't be able to kill Will's captor, but Hades says he has to. I kept wondering who he'll have to kill, and if he can. Hades handed him the knife and Percy held it with ease. 

"You two must be on your way, I'll try to help you as mush as possible." 

That was surprising to hear from my father. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes. 

"Come back to me Nico." 

I was amazed of the honesty of those words. I almost cried, again. I'd grown closer to Hades and Persephone over time, but I had no idea he felt so strongly about me. I smiled and nodded at him. He spared Percy one last glance, his expression was hard to make out. Was it hope? Regret, sorrow, worry maybe? They were all fused into his dark eyes. He opened the room's door and walked out, his black toga trailing behind him. 

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