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(Lily P.O.V.)

I stopped on approaching the portrait, "Coming, Potter?" I asked James, without looking back. Not answering, he half-ran, half-walked towards me. Together we exited the dormitory and headed off to the library.

Outside was not as peaceful as I thought it was for Peeves the poltergeist, was busy creating mischief. Peeves was standing inside an armor and as we approached, he startled the life out of me as I gasped and held onto James' arm, with my book thrown on the floor. James, I could tell, was grinning.

"Go away, Peeves!" James half-yelled, though I knew he didn't entirely mean it as he was terrible at concealing his laughter.

"Ha, ha, ha. Very funny," I sarcastically said. He continued grinning as he gestured my hand interlocked with his arms, to which I immediately pulled away. I mouthed 'Sorry' to him.

He continued smiling and picked up my book for me, without the use of his wand, just like a gentleman. I couldn't resist but had to laugh at his baby face he made when I refused to collect the book.

"Why don't you fetch them for me? My hands are too delicate by the way," I smiled at him and continue walking towards the library. I was going to ask if he's gonna stay there the whole day but just then he came half-running to me for the second time of the day.

"How about we go investigating the school grounds, I'm hungry by the way," He asked. "In that library, you can't even talk much less eat." His eyes brimming with excitement, and a smirk at the corner of his perfect lips.

It was true indeed, I, myself, hasn't eaten for the morning. I just nodded and follow James down his shortcuts to the basement below, with the help of the Marauders' Map. He tickled the pear on the painting of a bowl of fruits. The pear giggled and transformed into a door nob. James, apparently proud of himself, handed me my book and descended to the Kitchens, telling me to wait there, awestruck.

A few minutes later he appeared with a handsome smile on his face, along with two plates of biscuits and two goblets of Pumpkin juice floating in the air behind him. We then returned to the empty Great Hall and sat at the Gryffindor's table where we ate, heartily.

James quickly made the dishes disappear after eating and I followed him out the great oak doors and onto the grounds, still carrying my book in my hand.

(James P.O.V.)

I didn't know what I was thinking, making Evans follow me out here, what's the plan?

"Hey, Evans, wanna go under the beech tree?" I asked her, not quite sure if she loved the spot. It is actually the Marauders' Spot, so to speak.

Over my shoulder, I saw her nod and say 'yeah' to me.

We settled down under the tree overlooking the Black Lake. We sat there in an unbelievable silence for a few minutes, taking in the environment. I turned around and saw Lily rested back on the tree.

"Evans, like the scene, do you?" I tried to sound as casual as I possibly think I can, ignoring my heart thumping in its cage. What a surprise she can't hear it.

"Yea, I do. It's beautiful"

"Just like you, Evans," I smirked at her. She smiled.

"Why do you always refer to me as 'Evans'?"

I smiled at her question. I stood up and took a seat near her, our shoulders touching.

"Umm...I don't know," (I really didn't.) "Maybe..it's because I think...highly of you, Miss Evans," and my subconscious add with the hope that one day it'll be Potter. I grinned at that thought, except it came out as a laugh.

"What are you laughing about?" She smiles and playfully punches me with that cute puppy face of hers.

I make a babyface at her and she started laughing. I feel deeply contented that maybe after a long time, Lily is so happy and relaxed after the death of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans. I flush this thought out of my head, thinking of how she must have felt and endured on the inside.

She awakes me from my thoughts by placing her head on my shoulder, I felt shivers running down my spine. I ran my hand in my hair, jumbling it again. I could not have retained my grin so I let it show as she catches my eyes...I'm lost in the gaze of her emerald, green eyes...and for the first time, she doesn't break it.

I suddenly felt the urge and I did it. I crashed my lips against her perfect ones. I was going to pull away, but just then, she returned it.

I felt the world spinning and going upside down, I could feel fireworks being emitted from our souls, exchanging. I cupped her face in my hands, finally breaking it.

Our noses were touching and I stared once more in those deep eyes of her and I whispered to her "I love you, Lily." It came out with an emotion I've never felt before and for the first time in my entire life, I truly felt that Lily Evans belongs to me.

She smiled, her face flustered by a dark shade of crimson red, in perfect combination with her hair, apparently shy. She smiled and then gently kissed my cheekbone. 

a/n Woah! Things seriously took a drastic turn! But, I'm pondering on how their friends will react?

Will Lily reject James despite this?

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