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(Lily P.O.V.)

I cannot believe we've slept for so long under the beech tree. It is nearing night, and the sun is setting. It looks like a beautiful sight, I couldn't help noticing it. The assortment of shades in the sky deeply contrasted with black waters below, making the horizon look like a meeting of two unknown worlds.

I couldn't process that Remus, Sirius, Peter, and Emma 'caught us,' and that James asked them to wait upstairs to which they silently obeyed. Again I was going to say something when James caught me by surprise by crashing his lips against mine. I love the way it melts away against his. I felt like I've known James forever, which was obviously not true. I couldn't help but returned it. he wrapped his hands around my waist and I wrapped mines against his neck, my hands playing with hair, something which I never knew I longed to do.

He broke the kiss and the embrace, walked backward, smiled at me, opened his arms, as though he was addressing an entire congregation, and yelled across to me:

"Miss Lily Evans, Head Girl of Hogwarts, would you like to be my girlfriend and go out with me?"

I was shocked, yet smiling. For a moment, I diverted my look up the Gryffindor Tower and saw Remus at the window, apparently telling the others what is happening downstairs, and soon I saw all of them looking intently at me as though they're urging me to surprise them, as I've always refused James.

My eyes flickered back at James who was still smiling and awaiting my answer.

(James P.O.V.)

I knew I was crazy to confess my love to Lily again, yet somehow, something told me it'll pay off. I stood there impatiently awaiting her answer, debating the outcomes with my heart beating like a bird would do against its cage. An even bigger smile appeared on Lily's face and she shouted:

"Yes! I will, James!" and with that, she ran into my open arms, hugging me to the core as I wrapped my hands around her I could hear cheers of congratulations floating down from the Gryffindor Tower and knew that our friends were celebrating my victory, at last. 

Well, this is the beginning of something new!

a/n Awww....They're so cute! 

Well, that's the end!

Thank you for reading!!!

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