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Well, I guess it's the end of my version of the love story of James and Lily Potter at their Seventh Year at Hogwarts, both being the Head Boy and Girl.

I guess we know the story, but just a quick review:

After graduating from Hogwarts in the year 1978, James and Lily were married shortly after.

 They were Aurors, hunting the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters, alongside their friends in the Order of the Phoenix founded by Albus Dumbledore.

Having defeated He-who-must-not-be-named thrice, the duo had a son in the year 1980, July the 31st whom they named lovingly, Harry James Potter.

This fulfilled the prophecy made by Sybill Trelawney to Dumbledore, overheard by Severus Snape, a Death Eater, at that time. 

This made The Dark Lord mark Harry as his equal while attempting to kill little Harry James Potter on Hollowe'en Night of the year, 1981.

This lead to the death of both James and Lily Potter who brave-heartedly stood in the face of the Dark Wizard, attempting to hold him off.

They became the parents of 'The Boy who Lived' shortly after their death when Harry Potter was saved from the Dark Lord's warmth by his mother's sacrifice, the most powerful of all magic - love.

All Hail James & Lily Potter!

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