Chapter 11

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*Before you read this story please note this chapter involves self-harm and may be triggering, please be weary when reading. I do not promote self-harm in anyway and suggest seeking help if you do self-harm.*

Joe and I walked hand in hand to a fancy restaurant, he had asked me on a date earlier today and I had agreed. When we walked into the building we waited to be seated, I observed the room. Its tables had white cloth drawn over them and lit candles sitting in the centre of the table, the restaurant itself was pretty small but that was okay. There was only one other elderly couple in the room and they sat in a corner, chatting quietly. The room wasn’t very bright but the candles on the tables gave it a nice glow. The hostess walked up to us “Hello, sorry for the wait. Table for two?” she asked, “Yes, just us” Joe said. “Right, follow me then” She led us to a seat by the window and gave us the menu and said she will be back soon to get our orders.

I was about to sit down when Joe pulled the seat from the table and waited for me to sit down, I giggled and sat. He pushed the chair back into its original position, except with me on it. He sat on the seat across from me, “Mmm, this looks good” He said, “Looks expensive” I muttered. A waitress asked for our order and then sashayed of.

“These past months have been so fun” I said smiling, “Yea. Life was pretty boring before you came” Joe said. I blushed, “Oh please, you have an exciting job, you live with awesome people, you have awesome friends, how can that be boring?” He thought for a moment before replying “It gets repetitive sometimes, that reminds me. When would should we tell my viewers about us being together?” I have been thinking about that and I do realize that there will be hate, i can handle that. I got hate all through my life because of my mum being a ‘druggie’ and all. “Whenever you want, I don’t really mind” I smiled as I said this. “How about we make the video after this?” He said, looking hopeful. “Ok!” I said. The lady arrived with our orders and then left.

Joe and I had been in the restaurant for at least two hours, we finished our food a long time ago. We had chatted about our childhood, our likes and dislikes, and our hopes for the future. We were chatting more when my phone rung, I sighed and answered “Hello?” I heard muffled voices then Zoe’s voice, “Amanda? Hi it’s Zoe. I need you to come over, like now.” She sounded worried. “What’s going on?” I said. “It’s Troye, come please” She said and ended the call. “It was Zoe, something’s going on with Troye and she needs us to come” I told Joe, getting up. He nodded and we rushed out the door, we had already paid for our food so they didn’t stop us.

Three minutes later we arrived at the apartment and ran inside, “Zoe? What’s wrong?” I said. Zoe rushed out from the hall “Troye is in the bathroom, he’s locked it and isn’t coming out, I can also hear crying” She panted. I nodded and rushed to the door, I knocked “Troye? Can you please open the door?” I said softly. Living with my mum had helped me develop a caring nature when it came to someone’s emotional and physical health. I heard some shuffling and the door unlocked, I motioned for Joe and Zoe to stay out here. I opened the door slowly and was in utter shock.

Troye stood in the bathroom, crying. He had blood dripping from his wrists.


This chapter is leading on to the next chapter, I will upload it soon. I wrote this because I felt like poor Troye was left out in these sort of fan fics, in the ones I have read there is Zalfie stuff, Janya stuff and never much Troye in it so I thought I would add some. The next chapter will also involve self-harm as well.  And for those that didn’t get the memo Troye self-harms. If you liked this chapter please vote, comment, share, add to your library and tell your grandma about me! Love ya, bye.

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