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"Severus, why do you do this?" She said sadly

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"Severus, why do you do this?" She said sadly. Tears were forming in her eyes as she looked at me. I was hurt, but not as badly as she was.

"I missed them, I missed you." I replied. She let out a small laugh and wiped away the tears that had fallen.

"And you expect to just be able to come back after four months of being away? Severus, we moved on." She said sadly. I sighed.

"I know..... I just, just thought that maybe I could see them. It's Christmas and I couldn't bear to think they wouldn't be able to see me."

"Yes, but today? You could have came before today-"

"You don't think it hurts me to wake up every morning without you by my side? Without one of the girls sleeping, nestled in between us? To hear the girls in the morning, singing as you make breakfast? All I want is another chance, please, I beg of you." I said, grabbing her shoulders and looking her deeply in the eyes. I was on the verge of crying as the tears slid down her face.

"You should have thought of that when you slept with Lavender." She said, pulling away from me. I groaned.

"I was drunk and your know that." I said intently. She whipped around at me.

"Yes, you may have been and I forgave you for that, but what about everything else? The constant fighting? You never being home for dinner every night. Not being able to kiss Ella or Serena before bed time? Severus, it not only effects you, but me as well." She choked out.

"And the children." I said quietly. "Ella is hurting-"

"Because you hurt her and me. I don't expect Serena or Lily to understand, but Ella is almost of age and will be going to school at Hogwarts soon."

"I know." I said quietly. Sighing, I wiped at the tears on my face. "Look, can I just please see them? Get visitations? I'm not asking to elope back into the picture, but at least let me help ease some of the pain." I begged. She opened her mouth to say something, when all of a sudden Lily came running into the room.

"Dada, deres a monther in my woom." She said, grabbing my leg. I looked at Hermione as she rolled her eyes.

"I dare say we haven't gotten past the monster in my closet stage?" She smirked.

"Come Lily, show mum mum." She said taking Lily's hand. Lily clung to me tighter.

"No! Dada!" She protested. I laughed. Picking her up, I carried her up the stairs. She clung to my neck with all her little might.

"And what does this monster look like?" I asked with a smirk. She looked at me as her eyes sparkled.

"It gots big teef, wif wed eyes. Big ers, and a wong nose. He's purpow and has big feets." She said with wide eyes.

"Lets see, big feet like Uncle Ronald?" She laughed.

"Yes, daddy." Walking into her bedroom, I surveyed the room. It was a mess, anything could be this monster.

"Lets see here." I placed her on the floor. She ran to Hermione and hugged her leg. Getting on my knees, I lifted the covers of her bed and looked under it. Nothing but dolls and blocks. Standing up, I went to her closet and opened the door. Nothing but tutus and robes. Turning around I walked over to the window and looked behind the curtains. Finally realising what I was doing I chuckled.
I was feeding into the fear of there being a Monster in the room.

"Lily, sweet heart, there's nothing-" all of a sudden there was movement underneath a blanket. We all stopped and stared.

"Daddy, deres da monther!" She screamed hiding behind Hermione. Walking to the blanket slowly, I crouched down and lifted it slowly.

An orange thing jumped out and began hissing and clawing at me.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione and Lily said in unison. I groaned.

"That damned cat." I said under my breath. Hermione scowled at me with a glint in her eyes. I was surprised she didn't make me pay knuts in the swear jar.

"See Lily, there's no monster in your room." Hermione said, crouching down to her stoop. Lily smiled and turned to me.

"Because Daddy scured it away." She said with a crooked smile. I picked her up and kissed her. Hermione walked over to her bed and pulled her sheets down. Placing her in the bed, I tucked her in with another kiss.

"Good night sweetheart." I said. She looked at me with sleepy eyes.

"Good night daddy, murry cwistmas." And with that, her eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep. Leaving the room, I cracked the door behind me. Serena and Ella we both in their bedrooms getting under the covers.

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