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Two Years Later

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Two Years Later

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!" I groan rolling over in bed. The light was hardly poring through the Windows.

"Mummy, it's here!" Hermione groaned and pulled the blankets over her head. I slowly opened my eyes to see Serena and Lily both jumping up and down on the bed, full of excitement. Ella stood in the doorway with a smirk plastered in her face.

"I told them to leave you two alone." I chuckled.

"Daddy, come on! It's here, it's here!" Lily said, grabbing my hand and trying to pull me out of bed. Hermione sat up and held up her hands.

"Hold it, hold it, hold it!" The girls both stopped in place. She cleared her throat. "Let mummy and daddy get ready and we will meet you down there, okay?" The girls squealed and jumped off the bed, running out of the room. "AFTER COFFEE AND BREAKFAST!" She yelled after them. Ella laughed.

"Don't worry, I got them." Leaving us, Hermione flopped back down into the bed. Rolling over I turned towards her.

"Good morning beautiful." I drawled in a sexy purr. She laughed.

"Severus you gullible man!" She said giggling.

"Oh, is that so?" I asked, rolling on top of her, placing kisses all over her neck.

"Severus, stop!" She said through fits of giggles.

"Funny, because that's not what you said last night." I whispered in her ear. She slapped me in the arm.

"Merlin Severus, you dirty man." I laughed and rolled back over into my side. Sighing I looked at the time.

"It's only eight Forty-Five and they want us up, unbelievable." I said. Hermione placed her hand on my chest and kissed me on the nose.

"There your daughters. Just like their father, early birds." She sat up and got out of bed. She was wearing red booty shorts that said Santa on the bottoms and a tank top that stopped just above her belly button. My did she look fine. Her hair was frazzled looking and a look of sleep still on her beautiful face. How was I able to claim her back into my heart is unknown. How was I able to allow her to give me another chance is another story I am not telling today.

Returning from the bathroom in her robe and slippers she came over to my bedside and placed a kiss on my lips.

"I'm going to get breakfast and coffee. Don't be late coming down there, or you will be bombarded by a herd of girls." She said while laughing. I laced my fingers in hers and looked into her adoring brown eyes. "And....." She said smirking. "Maybe, just maybe, Santa left a present downstairs only for you and me tonight." Kissing me again she walked away, looking over her shoulder and winking.

"Ooh, you insatiable women." I groaned. Rubbing my eyes, I got out of bed, grabbed my robe and walked down the stairs to the smell of pancakes cooking and coffee brewing.

"Daddy, Daddy, daddy!" Lily greeted me, throwing herself at my midsection. "Santa came, he really came!" She cheered. I picked her up.

"Is that so?"


"Lily, Santa comes every year." Ella said, rolling her eyes.

"Ella...." Hermione warned.

"And have you been a good girl for him to bring you presents?" I asked her. She looked at me seriously and pondered the question. Furrowing her eyebrows like her mother.

"Well, does drawing in the walls in my bedroom count?" She asked me innocently, batting her eye lashes. I chuckled.

"I think Santa let that one slide. Now, go eat some breakfast." I said placing her on the ground as flapjacks came flying off the griddle and into plates magically.

"So Ella, how's Hogwarts?" Hermione asked, pouring me some coffee. Ella sighed.

"I guess it's okay."

"Well, have you made any friends?" She inquired, handing me my coffee. I sat down and watched Ella's expression.

"No." I chuckled.

"It's tough being in Slytherin and having the meanest teacher in all of Hogwarts as you father. So don't feel ashamed if you don't have friends." I said with a smirk. Hermione pinched me in the arm as Ella just glared at her pancakes.

"Honey, you will make friends, just give it some time. I didn't have any friends." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. I frowned.

"I beg to differ." I said, raising my hand. Serena laughed at me. "What about Weasley and Potter?"

"Harry and Ron." She corrected me. "Well, besides them, I didn't have any real friends, that is until later on in my school years." Ella seemed to perk up at this.

"Besides, who would have wanted to be friends with "the Insufferable know it all"?" I said with a smirk. Hermione smacked my hand.

"You happened to fall in love with her!" She protested in giggles. The girls broke out into laughter.

"Weasley and Potter only wanted to be her friend because she was smart and would do their homework for them." I said, looking at her intently. She scoffed. I never approved of her in her younger years once it came to friends.

"But mummy, isn't that cheating?" Serena asked. Her face was contorted into a confused expression.

"Well, it's not really-"

"Yes it is." Me and Ella said at the same time. Hermione rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Okay, yes, maybe it was. But they were my friends and they needed help." She said in a matter of factly tone. I groaned as the girls laughed.

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