Ch.8-The Movie ☆

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Authors note-

Hey guys, it's been awhile just been writing this story out, and am ready to share it. So some things. first I will be posting today and tomorrow 5 new chapters that I've been working on for like ever, these chapters aren't exactly filler but there not exactly stand alone chapters since I will be referencing them later on.

Special stories like these will have a star next to the title. After these five where heading into Akatsuki territory for a couple chap's hopefully by the end of the week. Also I plan to start writing other stories as well- I have an avengers one, a onward one(good movie) as well as a percy jackson one that I'm currently writing. These stories are going to be really small, maybe 5-7 chapters long, Not exactly forsure which one I will post first but I want to try writing other works. With that being said enjoy.-

You know when ever you look at a movie, you generally have this fantasy of what it would be like to be in it. However their is a major difference between seeing a movie and experiencing it. Especially if your in an anime tv show, and everything else seems to just pause so the movie can play out. Even if you were inserted into the world, nothening you do seems to change the overall course of the movie, case in point this.

 Even if you were inserted into the world, nothening you do seems to change the overall course of the movie, case in point this

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"Fun times right, well I should probably start from the beginning huh well let's get this over with"

(Cue in stupid theme song followed by ninja just hopping around the village like it's going out of style)

Naruto's POV

"We received a message late last night, someone has revived Moryo and freed him from the underground palace, he was sealed away in. His ghost army is on the March. We'll be working in conjunction with the other nations to put an end to this crisis"Tsunade explained.

"Huh, what's going on here" Naruto said seething. "Why? why?....what are Neji and Bushy brows doing here? Where the heck is Kakashi Sensei huh? Naruto questioned. "Lee's filling in for Sasuke l"Tsunade said,"Glad to be here" Rock lee said giving a thumbs up. "All right, so why is Neji here"Naruto said stomping his foot. "He's Kakashi's stand-in" Tsunade said simply,"Huh"Naruto said dumbfounded glancing at Neji suspiously.

"Kakashi and Guy have already met up with our allies, they're headed for the battlefront right now. So Neji will serve as Squad Seven's captain"Tsunade explained. "Why him though?" Naruto bellowed," Neji is a Jonin.....and last time I checked, you were still a genin, Naruto. So suck it up"Tsunade said as Naruto's shoulders began to sag, While Neji stood up proudly.

"I'm not sending you guys to the front lines though, instead you will be guarding a VIP escort"Tsunade said. "WHAT!"Naruto shouted. Tsunade ignored his outburst. "The enemy's been moving for several days now and leaving a steady trail of destruction in it's wake.

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