Ch.5-Jinchuriki Power

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I felt my eyebrow twitch as I looked between Naruto, Sai and Sakura. Naruto was looking at Sai with disdain, Sai had a fake smile plastered across his face, and Sakura had a look of distrust across hers.

Recap- So after we returned back to the village we were given a day of rest. Kakashi was admitted to the hospital because of the overuse of his mangekyo sharingan. We found out from Sakura that after Sasori's defeat he gave her some information about his subordinate who was working as a spy for orochimaru and where he was going to meet him.

The next day we were summoned to the Hokage tower, where we were introduced to our new teammates- Captain Yamato and Sai. After the introductions we left the village to find the spy and see what he knows about Sasuke and the Akatsuki. Unfortunately, it appears something happened between the three that has caused high tensions.

End recap-

I let out a sign, "this is gonna be a long mission"I thought, "well what is it"? Sai questioned, "if you keep staring at me like that, I will hit you"Sai said his fake smile dropping as he took on a more serious face. "Where did that come from. Where do you get off saying things like that? Listen you!"Naruto said angrily waving his fist at him.

"I really have nothening personal against you."Sai said happily like he just accomplish something. "Then why you say it"Naruto said, "You don't understand, I was only trying out a certain personality type, That's all."Sai replied.

"Personality type"Sakura said confused, "humm, If you were trying to do it, then that means you meant it!Naruto bellowed, sai just continued walking, ignoring him. "We don't need someone like you on this team"Naruto said as we all stopped walking to look at them.

"You really rub me the wrong way"Naruto said,"That's enough, that's no way to talk, especially not in front of me, your team captain, Naruto, mutual respect and trust are essential elements of teamwork, wasn't it Kakashi who taught you that, you are a part of the team of the great Kakashi, lose the attitude"Yamato said, Naruto scoffed, "He's not a part of team Kakashi, not now, not ever, The fourth member of our team is and always will be Sasuke Uchiha"Naruto said as I looked at Yamato, before looking at Naruto as his words sunk in.

"This guy is just a fill in for Sasuke, that's all he is, he will never be a real member of our team"Naruto said frustrated, Sai smiled, placing a hand on his hip"I'm glad, I'm glad that's how you feel.....Sasuke is a traitor, he betrayed the leaf and joined Orochimaru. Yes, your right, I'm not him at all, I'm not a traitorous cockroach" Naruto clenched his fist,"I don't fill in for someone like that"Sai finished.

"I've had it with you,Sai"Naruto said as he was poised to attack," Sakura stretched out her hand stopping him, "remember what's important, Naruto, it's teamwork, calm down....Sai, Naruto was out of line, but it's just because he doesn't know you well enough yet."Sakura said, "I'm sorry, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive him"Sakura said peacefully,"-But Sakura"Naruto said hurt.

Yamato let out a sign"Glad we have one level headed person on this team"he said, as I looked around wondering if I just stopped existing all of a sudden. "Oh don't worry, he doesn't worry me in the least"Sai said, "That's a relief"Sakura said, as I eyed her,"don't believe her, it's a trap"I said quickly, as Sakura darted foreword, slamming her fist into Sai's face.

Naruto and Yamato looked shocked, "I don't care one bit if you forgive me"Sakura said heatedly, Sai wiped some blood off his cheek,"You fooled me quite well, that smile of yours looked so sincere"Sai said fascinated." Sai, you don't know a thing about Sasuke. I won't stand for you talking as If you do, just keep badmouthing him and next time, I won't hold back"Sakura said condescendingly.

"Hum fine then, I will keep my mouth shut in front of you, it would appear that I learned another use for a fake smile.I'll remember that"Sai said, as Sakura and Naruto both looked perplexed, "how can you say that after she knocked you into next week?"Naruto said, "Naruto, if he was knocked into next week, like I'm about to do to you, he wouldn't be conscious right now"I said, "you know what I meant, it's just an expression..wait what do you mean like how your going to do to me"he said, as I began to crack my knuckles, "because, you implied that I'm not apart of the team"I said as I slowly made my way over to him, having my own fake smile on my face, as Naruto began taking steps back,"I didn't mean it like that honest"he said as he tripped on his own two feet, sweat began to bead down his face.

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