The Last To Know (Death Note Fan Fiction)

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Aizawa woke up to the sound of his cell phone ringing. Still half-asleep, he blindly groped around for it on the nightstand until he found it.


"Mr. Aizawa," L's voice replied. "If it's not too much trouble, could you come down here please? I know it's still early, but some new Kira evidence came in that I would like to have taken to the lab. I could ask someone else to take it, but as you have connections at the lab, perhaps you could urge them to look over the evidence as soon as possible."

"Sure. Just let me shower and dress and I'll be right down."

"Thank you."

Aizawa hung up and looked over at Matsuda, who was still peacefully sleeping beside him. Doing his best not to wake him, Aizawa quietly slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom to start getting ready. By the time he was done and returned to the bedroom, Matsuda had woken up.

"Morning, Matsu," Aizawa greeted him.

"Morning, Aiza," Matsuda replied. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Yeah, Ryuzaki has some new evidence that he wants me to take to the lab. You can stay here if you want to. It shouldn't take me long."

"No, that's alright," Matsuda said as he walked over and joined Aizawa at the door. "I'll head back to my room and get ready for the day. If there's new evidence, we might have a lot of work ahead of us. Besides, by the time you get back, it'll be time to start anyway."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Aizawa said. "Just one thing before I go then."

"What's that?" Matsuda asked.

Matsuda barely finished asking his question before Aizawa pushed him up against the wall and kissed him deeply. Matsuda moaned as he eagerly kissed Aizawa in return and let Aizawa's tongue find his. Aizawa pressed himself against Matsuda, pinning the younger man against the wall and kissed him harder, as their tongues danced with each other. Aizawa let their kiss linger on, not wanting it to end.

Eventually and reluctantly, he had to pull away from Matsuda. "If I don't stop now, I'm going to lose all self-control."

Matsuda smiled at him. He was so damn cute, Aizawa could barely stand it. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"It is right now."

"I know you have to get going."

"I really don't want to," Aizawa admitted.

"Hey, we can always continue this later," Matsuda said.

"Oh, we most certainly will."

They left Aizawa's room together, then Matsuda headed for his room, as Aizawa continued downstairs.

L appeared to be the only person who was awake. It surprised Aizawa at first, until he remembered that it was actually a little too early for the others to be awake yet. L looked over at Aizawa as he descended the last few stairs.

"Mr. Aizawa, that took longer than expected," L said, with a knowing smirk. "You weren't distracted by something upstairs, were you?"

Aizawa decided to just ignore L's snide comment and asked him, "Where's the evidence you wanted me to take?"

L handed him an envelope and Aizawa got in his car. He had been to the police station's lab so often, especially recently, that he drove there almost automatically. And as often happened when left alone with his thoughts, they shifted to Matsuda.

They had been together for a couple of weeks now. Aizawa had never been happier either. He never knew that he could care so deeply about someone. Nervous as he had been beforehand, Aizawa was glad that he made the first move to kiss Matsuda that night. It had led to where they were now. Aizawa got pure joy just out of being able to hold Matsuda, or cuddle with him in bed. As long as he was with Matsuda, then Aizawa was happy.

The Last To Know (Death Note Fan Fiction-Aizawa x Matsuda)Where stories live. Discover now