Chapter 2-New neighbour

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 Chapter Two-The new neighbour

    "Please can you move? I say with my jaw tight and my teeth clenched.

   "That's better. Looks like we are neighbours." He winked.

I suck in a breath between my teeth.
    "Great," I say under my breath.

    "It is great. I love this neighbourhood.
His fingers danced along the steering wheel as he continues looking at me.

     "Cool! I'm all for chit-chatting, but I really have to go, so if you could please move that would be so great." I powerfully embellish the word Please making it known I am serious and really need to be going.

     "Right! sorry. Maybe I'll see you later? Since we are neighbours and all. Have a beer with me later? His dark eyes lock onto mine. My heart did a fluttering dance as his eyes fixed with mine as he waited for my answer. I lost my train for thought for a moment.

    "I don't drink alcohol." Why am I still talking to him?

    "Then how about a juice box? He says in a teasing voice. I wonder if he's making fun of my answer of me not drinking alcohol? I press my lips together and rub my tongue over them and run my top teeth over my bottom lip before I speak.


    "What's your name roadrunner? I ask holding back a grin.

     "Dustin." He says as he rubs his thumb and a pointer finger over his facial hair that lined his jawline.

     "And you? He asks waiting for me to do the same.

     "Hayley," I replied.

     "Well, Hayley it was nice to meet you."

     "Yeah, I guess." I shrug my shoulders.
He moves his large truck so I can back out. I wave my fingers, being friendly as I drive off. My cheeks were burning with heat from whatever that just was. The meeting of two strangers. The mass fluttering that was setting a flight in the pit of my stomach. He had me flustered as I see his eyes still on me through my rearview mirror.
I can't stop staring at him, he seems familiar like I've seen him somewhere before. But I can't place him.

    Kennedy stopped crying.

    "Da da." She says through sniffles as she was trying to calm down.

    "He's not here baby. Soon...hopefully."
I call Lance to make sure he's coming home this weekend. I press my Bluetooth button on my LCD screen on my dashboard.

    "Call Lance," I say.


    "Hello?! Lance picks up.

    "Hi. Lance." I say.

     "Oh, hey Hayley. I'm really busy. Is everything ok? He's always busy. I tightened my grip on the steering wheel feeling mad at myself for continuing on like this. But I need to know if he's coming home for our son's sake.

    "mmm, well yes and no," I say.

    "What's wrong now? He asked.
     "Jace," I say in a trembling whimper.

     "What now? He says with irritation in his response, like I should have all this taken care of and I should stop bothering him. Like I am some how to blame for this.

     "He got suspended from school for breaking a kids nose, one more strike and he's out for good." A large knot sized bubble fills my throat making it hard to talk without feeling constricted.

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