The Beginning (Ch.1)

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In the beginning, there were a family who is very powerful. Legends said that when a Cinderella and the Heir to the throne of Jasmine had twin baby girl they will have the most absolute power that can defeat or destroy the whole fairytale land, they can only do that if they're beginner wand turned into a scepter and if the twins combine/joined together and when they're eyes is a mixture of blue and pink they can only destroy a whole entire world when they're together but there is only one way to control this event to not happened:

First: They need to find both a four friends

Second: They're each four friends must find they're true love

Third: Also they both must find their true love also

And Finally their friends in them must kissed not just any kiss but True Love's Kiss but their parent nor they didn't know the conditions to stop the destruction of the Fairy Tale World but one day the twins will only know the conditions one day... so they're Grandma Cinderella, they're Grandpa Alfonso (Just imagine that Jasmine in "Alladin" has a twin brother... Tnx for understanding now back to the story) They're Mother Clara and they're father Clyde nooded together knowing what will happen to Fairytale Land if they're twins were together but one day they will let them see, talk to each other once that turned fourteen which is exactly after they became a freshmen.

She took the quite a little elder sister who is named "Cassandra, Olivia, Roseline, Aramina Cinderella(a.k.a. CORA CINDERELLA)" and her twin sister who is named "Rosella, Olivia, Samantha, Evangeline (a.k.a. ROSE CINDERELLA).

Before they separated both of them they're grandparents gave them each a beautiful bracelet that if you connected it in turn into a beautiful necklace. Each bracelet represent what they like  Cora's bracelet has a Ball gown and in the middle of the gown symbolize a one of a kind glass and the chain are pattern in to a flat pumpkin and shoes on the other hand Rose's bracelet has a Wonderful shoe and in the middle of the shoe shows the pumpkin in the shoe and the chain are pattern in to a flat gown and  Rose is raise by her grandmother and father  but she didn't know who is her grandfather and her mother while on the other hand her elder sister Cora didn't know also her grandmother and her father.


Cora and Rose is still asking the same question in their heand and also in their heart "Who are my Grandmother/Grandfather and also my Mother/Father??

I'll describe to you all readers what they looked like for the past seven years: Cora has beautiful light pink eyes, she has a bangs on the right side with a color blue head band on the left of her hair, she has bright smile like the glimering moon , she has warmth skin, she has long blonde hair but with a ocean blue strike which is formed into glasses with a little bit of gown's, and she has a perfect personality like being polite, kind, sensitive,  generous, elegant, always positive, thoughtful, well a little bit scary cat, not too much energetic, humble, also a bit bubbly and always helping others without expecting something in return if they go in their castle only.

Rose has a beautiful light blue eyes, she has bangs on the left side with a pink head band on the right oh her hair, she smiles brightly like the shinning sun, she also has also a warmth skin, she has also long blonde hair with a strike with a formed of pumpkins and a little bit of shoes and she has the same perfect personality like her elder  sister.

Both of they're life we're just so perfect but something was missing they felt like there were holes or ache in their hearts like no one could ever replace unless the missing something or someone is/are found.

Rose's power is a combination of Shoe Magic, Wind Magic, Moon Magic, and Pumpkin Magic...

Cora has a Ball gown Magic, Sun Magic, Ocean Magic, and Glass Magic. And they both have a twin glass slipper and also a twin legendarium sword.

(Oh my gosh I forgot to mention that: So if a Cinderella had a twin baby daughter the glass slipper and legendarium sword will split in to two in order to make both Cinderella powerful, stronger and also I forget to mention that when they combine and their heart and soul are one the glass slipper and the legendarium sword will show it's true power, form and it will also become one. If they were combine and also their weapons and everything are they will unleash the most powerful spell in all of Fairy Tale Land and it's called "TWIN MAGIC".)[I just think of that my mind is empty right now you know]

So this is my first chapter
And please readers i
Want to know if my first chapter is good or bad and I will accept all of your comment from the bottom      of my heart and I want it to hear or know that all of your comment are from the bottom of your heart if that's ok to  you all but if you readers
don't want to comment it's     ok I can't force you all
readers if you don't
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Would be very happy if you comment like I said before and Don't forget to like, comment and also follow;
And I will always be
Thankful even if there are
Few readers who read my
First book and I'm happy
For it and last but not the least
Love you everyone Bye❤️❤️❤️

Sorry this was supposed to be the second one but my sister turn of my wifi...

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