Jealousy Alert 2 (Ch.18) [With A Special Guests

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On to the next day...

New Day

At the Dragon Arena

Another two new girls appeared.

Coach Beast said "Everyone this are the two assistant that we've been waiting yesterday, Meet Ambrosia Sleeping Beauty and her cousin Allira Sleeping Beauty!".

Both of them said "Hi everyone!"...

They scanned each face of the students and their gaze landed at the two familiar figure and at the same time the two familiar figure looked at them with a gentle smile...

They four exclaimed and said in unison "We missed you both!!".

They both run over and hugged each other like sister that never seen each other for a long long time ago...

The surrounding students where all dumbfounded and also shocked.

The students thought *Just how many famous princesses these two know. Almost everyone is their friends*.

Then Connor and Couglan arrived panting and they said in unison "Sorry Coach Beast we're late today!"..

Suddenly the both of them noticed a familiar two person and they both said together in an astonished manner "When did you both arrived?!"..

Allira and Ambrosia said "Yesterday night! Why do you both asked?!"...

The two prince asked anxiously "You should have just told us so we can pick you both up!".

The two princess said "You two might be fast asleep, we don't want to disturb your rest!".

The students looked at the two pairs and they thought *Looks like we are not part of these love team. We should leave I felt like I'm out of place here..."

Rose and Cora observe the two pairs movement and felt like these two pairs are couple's then they snapped their fingers and teleported somewhere in Fairytale land again...

Once the students saw Cora and Rose disappeared all of their eyes widened in shock except for Coach Beast who was calm as a puppy.

They're closed friends were a little shocked and worried especially their two boyfriend.

Suddenly they heard two familiar voices in the dragon corner "Coach shall we take flight!".

Coach Beast turned his head to the owner of the two voice and said "You two, leave this to my four assistant even though you both are well trained!"...

Coach Beast said "The four of you show them some moves!".

The four of them said
"Yes Coach Beast!".

The four of them were amazing but suddenly Ambrosia and Allira 'accidentally' 'lose' their grip in the  Dragon rope but luckily Hawk and Sky caught them bridal style and land them safely in the ground...

After Hawk and Sky land them in the ground who would have thought Ambrosia and Allira kissed Hawk and Sky on their cheek as they said shyly "Hawk/Sky thank you!!"

The two prince did not notice and just said "It's a hero's job on saving the beauty!!'

When Rose and Cora saw this scene they felt a surging anger that they wanted to just slap this two friends of them and a sense of jealousy...

They both thought "This two bitch!!! They have no shame at all even dare kissed Hawk/Sky in public😡😡..."

Hawk and Sky didn't feel that they're girlfriend is watching in a distance...

At lunch

Cora and Rose were distant and said coldly "Were not in the mood to eat will go out first!"...

The puzzled SnowWhite's said with a trace of concern "Are you guys feeling unwell??"...

The Cinderella's said indifferently "No... We just need to cool down!!"...

The SnowWhite's continue eating and didn't bother with their girlfriend's who left just now...

The atmosphere between the four of them was made out of jealousy and confusion,,, They were like strangers who just bump into each other with no relationship at all...

Shawn and Astoria noticed the atmosphere between the four of them was like  'I Don't know you at all... Scram!!..' and Joy and Esquire isn't here either...

Suddenly Lingling caught a glimpse of Joy and Esquire and he said to Travis who was beside her in a whispering manner "Come with me, I saw Joy and Esquire near by that door..." Travis answered "Ok, let's go!"

The got up from their seats and in unison "I'm finished, See you guys at the back garden... Bye!"

After that they were like wind who disappeared without a trace after saying those words...

"Esquire, Joy why are- " Travis said before Esquire covering his mouth and signalling him with his eyes to be sure not to make any sound so Travis nodded then Esquire slowly removed his hands from Travis mouth...

"She's back again!!" SnowWhite said anxiously...

"You four will only be here in two more days!!" Cinderella said to Couglan, Connor, Ambrosia, and Allira...

"Headmistress why is that?!" Ambrosia said...

"Our formidable enemy is back, she's here to make Rose and Cora an evil person that will cause the Fairy Tale World to fall" Cinderella said with a troubled expression on her face...

"But Headmistress shouldn't we stayed to help protect Rose and Cora?!" Couglan said...

"Yes indeed, in that way we can help?!" Allira said...

"No you can't, we teacher's shall send you to the beyond dimension!!" SnowWhite said...

"Beyond Dimension??!" The four of them said in unison even the four who has been eavesdropping had the same thought *Beyond Dimension what's that*...

"It shall be a secret for now after two days go with SnowWhite and follow her to the garden of secrets" Cinderella said to the four...

"Indeed you four must be very careful when you're following me no students nor friends of yours shall follow.. understand??" SnowWhite said with a bit of coldness in her face...

"Understood!!" The four of them said...

"You may now go!! Dismissed!!" Cinderella said...

"Yes Headmistress!!" The four said and walked away...

Esquire, Joy, Travis and Lingling go to the secret garden of Lingling. The design of Lingling's garden is a warrior like Garden with a great unique scent and peaceful as if you are in heaven...

They talked about this thing's that they just heard...

Joy's head was resting on Esquire's shoulder with their hands locked together and Esquire was playing with Joy's hand while Travis head was on Lingling's lap and Lingling was playing with Travis hair as they talked...

"Guys what do you think is the Beyond Dimension!!" Travis asked..

"I have no idea what that is!!" Esquire answer...

"Hmm, so do I!!" Joy answer too...

"Why don't we ask Shawn and Astoria about this place, I'm sure they know something!!" Lingling suggested to them...

"Alright!!" The three of them said and nodded their heads...

Hi reader's I've been busy these past few months and also all my gadgets was compensated by my mother... Sorry for not updating in a few months but I'll try my best to update the future chapters and also thank you for your endless support in my first book I reached more than 🎉1k🎉 who reads this story..... Thank you all so much😊
Anyways reader's don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow... Love you all everyone ❤️❤️❤️  See you... Bye...

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