Moments Of SHASTORIA After Their Competition

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After the competition it was 5:30,
Shawn was sitting on a bench waiting for Astoria patiently. Few minutes past and Astoria arrived in the garden. Shawn was speechless when Astoria arrived. Shawn take Astoria to a beautiful beach. None of their team members have a clue where the two of them except for Cora she knows that they're going on a date but she doesn't know where they are going.

SHAWN: Astoria you know despite all the arguments our team captain had I don't want us to be enemies- (He pause then look at Astoria after that she continues)

ASTORIA: And I have something to say to you I just can't say it Everytime I'm around you and your close to me my body, my brain, my heart stop and I (She pause too and look at Shawn)

SHAWN: I-I-I like you... (Astoria is speechless and also blush at the same time).

SHAWN: Look Astoria now that you know my feelings for you but I wanted to explain hear me out plsssss. (Astoria just nodded while blushing).

SHAWN: Okay, ever since we were just kids I like you but when I moved I started thinking that maybe it's just a coincidence that we saw each other but when i saw you again here at Regal  Academy again my heart says that maybe we met not because of the coincidence but maybe we met because we're destined for one another. Astoria Rapunzel I love you and-

ASTORIA: Shawn I love you too ever since we met too.

SHAWN: Then Astoria Rapunzel can you make me the happiest man in the whole fairy tale world and be my girlfriend starting from now on. (Shawn took a box and open it and revealed the true loves necklace. Ohhh yeah btw true love necklace rarely appears in a couple who truly loves each other).

ASTORIA: Shawn I will always say yes even if you give me a chance to say no I will always say yes. (Shawn put the necklace around Astoria's neck. Oh and the necklace is a symbol of liking and favourites which is the combination of both of them; and also Shawn has one too).

After Shawn put the necklace around Astoria's neck, Shawn hugged Astoria after the hug Shawn leaned closer and also Astoria as they're lips touched with one another under the most beautiful beach with the sunsets settling down while the moon rise up with starry stars in the moonlight and glimpse of the ocean that reflects the moon perfectly. Little did they know both of they're teams were watching them in a spell projector. The girls faint in so much sweet moments from their friends and the boys caught them while blushing but the boys were happy with their friend Shawn having a girlfriend. So after that moment they all headed to their assign castle and sleep in their beds also SHASTORIA go to their castle with wide smile and their hands interlock with each other.

I was heading straight to my bedroom but suddenly Lingling called my name in the living room. I head to the living room and saw Lingling sitting on a couch.

LINGLING: Ummm Astoria may I ask you something?

ASTORIA: Ask away Ling...
(Even though their enemies inside the competition but in the outside with no events they are friends except for Cora and Rose).

LINGLING: Okay, So first question; Do you like someone just like like-like?, When can I meet him?, Is he an enemy or a friend?, Why are you late home?, Where did you go?, Did someone kidnapped you?, If you are where are they?, Did you recognize their appearance and - (Got cut by Astoria but she knew where Astoria went she's just pretending, ok...)

ASTORIA: Woah woah easy there ok; so first off I like someone, his a friend and you already knew him, a certain someone invite me to a special place, and I can't tell anymore details and nothing bad happen to me. Why don't you go to bed you're going to compete tomorrow and good luck to you. Night Lingling.

LINGLING: Ok night.

After that I go to my room and sleep with a big smile on my face remembering what happens to me and Shawn.

After I dropped Astoria at her castle I hopped on my mission dragon and head straight to beast castle. I was about to open the door when Travis opened it up for me and he said...

TRAVIS: Shawn we need to talk.

SHAWN: Sure why not.

We go to our grandparents room and when we opened the door we saw them waiting for us with a smile on their faces.

SHAWN: Good eve granny and grandpa.

GRANNY: Shawn answer this truthfully do you have a girlfriend?

SHAWN: Ummm (sweating) ..... Yes Granny and we are together now. (I said confidently)

GRANDPA: Since when are you two together...

SHAWN: Just today grandpa and sorry if I loose in the competition

BOTH: It's ok Shawn

TRAVIS: So cuz when are we gonna meet this lucky girl that will be a beast in no time. Ohhh and one more thing.

GRANDPA: (Noticed Shawn's necklace and also Granny noticed it to)

GRANNY: My my looked like you had found your true love.

SHAWN: (Blushing) Grandpa, Granny, and Cousin Travis you will meet my girlfriend at the ball that will take place this Saturday Night.

All of them smiles in my answer and they let me sleep on my bed with excited and happy face while thinking of my girlfriend.

Well readers that's all my twin requested this part cause she is a shipper too. So anyway thank you all for reading and Comment, Like, and also Follow. Love you Everyone ❤️❤️❤️

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