Day Break (Ch.15)

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Everyone is preparing to go to the Enchanted Forest for a magical picnic...

At the LeFrog's Castle

Esquire knock on the main door of the LeFrog's Castle and he called out "Mr. LeFrog, Joy"

In a minute the door open and Esquire was stunned to see Joy's casual suit.

After Esquire came back to his senses he said "Joy let's go don't wanna be late for our picnic".

Joy smiled and said "Of Course".

Then Esquire got onto his dragon and support Joy with his picnic basket in his hand and they bid farewell to their grandparents.

At the Rapunzel's Castle

Shawn arrived at the main balcony which is the highest floor of the Rapunzel's Castle...

He saw Astoria their in her casual dress holding a picnic basket in one hand and the other is holding a book while sitting on a bench...

He waved his hand to Astoria and said "Hey Tori time for us to go or else will be late for the picnic..."

Astoria notice him and when she heard that she'll be late she immediately stand up then jump to the tower which startled Shawn and then he immediately fly over and catch Astoria bridal style...

Then Shawn said worriedly "Don't make me worried ever again promise me that ok..."

Astoria giggle, then said "Okay fine, I promise".

Then they head through the Enchanted Forest just like Josquire...

At the Ironfan's Castle

Travis head to the main door and said "Lingling let's go..."

Lingling opened the door and Travis couldn't help but said "You are truly pretty today".

Lingling said "Thank you, you look nice also in your casual suit".

Travis said "Well thank you too, Shall we?!!" Then he lowered his head and extend his hand to Lingling which she gradually took and head towards Travis dragon...

He climbed up then help Lingling got onto his dragon and after that they flew through the Enchanted Forest...

At the Cinderella's Castle

Cora has a guitar in her hand and Rose has a picnic basket in her hand while humming a song in the main entrance...

A minute pass...

Hawk and Sky arrived...

Cora and Rose didn't let them spoke and both of them got into the dragon of both of them...

Cora said "Let's go!!"

Rose said "C'mon we need to hurry, everyone might be there".

Hawk and Sky said "Yes ma'am".

Then they flew to the Picnic Site..

At the Enchanted Forest
Picnic Site

Almost everyone arrived at the same time only a few seconds is their advantage.

When they arrived they immediately placed the two  picnic blanket and divide the food into to two. Girls is gathering near the lake next to a tree where the boys are...

They happily chat, play games and while eating someone request something...

Travis said "Hey girls how about a song".

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