right in the uterus

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"Once upon a time"...

Hahah you thought this was a fairytala no way jeorge. This is my fucking 16 year old life and it sucks. I live in a pretty normal place for a minority and by minority I mean that one time I broke my arm and had to wear a cast and I occasionally wear a retainer to bed. So yeah I have it pretty hard/ rough. Don't even get me started on my mother.

My mother is heavily addicted to the heronie.

One time when I was a wee lad my mother forced me to do ecstasy. She pushed me on the floor and made me sniff all the termites out of the carpet. We had a really bigu bug problem that year because she doesn't like cleaning. Our house on the other hand is a fucking reck, I cant put it in simplier terms, I have a 6x7 foot hole in my room that i occasionally fall through.

I think that maybe my mom wouldn't be soso bad if not for- the incident. I mean it wan't even my fault, I think?

"Focking bitch! Get down here right now and clean the fucking dishes you ungreatful whole" my mom screamed from downstairs.

Her voice sounded like she had been drinking for some time and it was only 10am. I guess I was used to this though. As I marched downstairs to clean the dishes I tripped on a piece of tea and face planted into a bush that was growing under the stairs and around the floors. We should fix that. Whoops.

As I was cleaning the dishes so hard you could see my oily hair shineI jumped when I saw myself Because I have PTSD and I look like a mess. My best friend Mia would have screamed if she saw me right now. Mia has been my best friend since we were 12 and I came to school in a potato sack. Lit-early. Mia was so shocked becaue she had never seen someone so poor. Ever since then we have been best friends and she lies to buy me stuff with all her dad's money. Her dad owns a shit ton of condom stores so he makes a big bank.

"Go pack your shit!" My mother screamed from the other room.

This isn't anything new, my mother has kicked me out exactly 61 times so i didnt question it and ran to my room to pack my things. I wonder where I was going this time.

When I finished packing I made my way to the stairs and my mother yeeted me down them.

"What did I do ma'am" I whimpered, not able to look her in the eyes. I know I said this was normal but this is also scary because one time a wolf tried to eat me outside while I was sleeping there after being kicked out.

"It's official this time you whore. After what you did all those years ago to my husband you do not deserve to eat the food I provide.."

Now would be a good time to tell you I buy all the food because I work and she just sits on the floor all day eating loads crack. She literally eats it in handfuls. Any other way has no effect on her at this point.

Almost like it was timed I heard a knock on the door, I went to open it and stood there was the prettiest fucking gurl in the world, I mean she had tan skin, blond hair and green eyes! She was wearing black leggings with a crop top that said "im your replacement on it" and on her feet she had the nicest pair of uggs I had ever seen. This wasn't surprising because the only other pair of uggs I've seen were the ones on the homeless man living in my closet.

"What in tarnation is going on here!" I yelped, trying to figure out why this random child was at my door.

"I'm your replacement, my name is "Palmer" she spoke, her voice almost like God himself was speaking down from the heavens.

As I take her in she looks at me with disgust. Somehow she still looks beautiful. I wonder what she will do with my mom. Will they be best friends? Will my mom not blame her for everything that has happened to my father?

Before I can say anything more the girl in front of me flips her hair over her shoulders and pushes me out of the way to walk over to my mother.

Almost immediately they start talking and it is clear I am not wanted.

A single tear falls down my face but I can not cry not. I walk out of the house with a small bag in my hand, containing many useless things like a hairbrush and hair extensions and lipglass that I never use. In the deepest part of the bag is a lock of my dead father's hair I sniff when I am sad. I wish i could sniff it now but in the corner of my eye I see. Is that?


"Hey emily, i just wanted to check on you and make sure your cat mr.dumpster fire was still breathing and all and i wanted to come say good bye before i head off the australia to fall in love with the tannest guy...wait are you crying?" she said in disgust.

Crying to mia was like murder they are both acceptable at one point in time. But right now isn't that time.

"Im sorry emily but right now we are talking about me right now...Im suppose to be getting married in four months to a guy in germany and now you want to make the situation about yourself, unacceptable!" she spoke, trying to put the spotlight on her. I couldnt be mad at her though, she has done so much for me like letting me live in her trash can for a couple of days when my mom kicked me out for the 48 and ½ time.

"Im sorry mia, I just want you to be happy and im willing to supress my emotions so you can thrive and be happy" i said while trying to hug her.

"Hey emily, you kinda smell. Whens the last time you took a shower?" she questioned, i trid to come up with a acceptable answer when in relaiety it had been 6 weeks since i stepped under the 115 degree spray of water.

"I don't know.. Look I have to tell you something"

As i said this a limo pulled up in front of my hosue. I knew who it was. The people my mom had sold em to. I bet they were the mafia and planned on stipping me down and raping me the second I got intotheir car. But I had no chocie. I knew I had to leave. Mia didn't even look away to notice the limo. She just stood in front of me tapping her foot.

"Im leaving.." I choaked out trying not to cry

"Haha what?" Mia said as a ding sounded and mia took out her phone to answer a text

"Well im being sold to these people so my mom can pay rent. And mia she even replaced me with this other daughter I guess. I dont know im so upset about it"

" WAIT WHAT???!! ARE YOU SAYING IM GETTING A NEW BEST FRIEND AND SHES RIGHT IN THERE" mia screamed pointing to my house. Or i guess my old house.

"What mia?" I stamered as I started to cry. Mia didn't seem to care as she pushed me away from her and I fell onto the concrete. My arm was bleeding and I my head hurt from the fall. But I just laid on the ground and watched she walked into my house.

As i watched mia walk into my house, well my old house and i decided that i needed to stop being a lil bitch and get up and face my new future. As i approach the large limo, the door swung open and hit me right in the uterus, Guess im not having kids anytime soon lol XD. When i had recovered from the injury i looked up to see who rammed the car door into me and was completely shocked to see that it was hairy style that hit me. I couldnt help but feel the darkness pull me away from the surface as i crashed down to the sidewalk, going completely out cold.

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