illegal, hot, speaker, vampire

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Hiarstyles jumps off the roof does a triple backflip into a drive and landed on his stomach. After the pain went away he immediately started throwing up lots of blood with chunks of metal. He needs to save emails but hes already in the pool so he decided to do some laps before he saves her. He needs to flex his rockin bod.

After swimming a couple of laps he saw nehall inside. He was really confused because usually nehall liked to stay outside a lot. Harry styield coudlnt remember which one of his friends was a werewolf but lets say it is newhall. Its probably him. Idk really this story could go anywhere at this point. Hair decided to finally go find emily because the pool was starting to fill with blood and harrystlyed had already drank a lot of it and now he had a stomach ache.

He swam to where she was and grabbed her by her left toenail. He slowly started to drag her body outside of the pool and over the concrete. Then he dragged her onto some grass and through some mud. Then into the house and upstairs onto his bedroom floor. Wow shes really fucking ugly though harisytled as he looked at her brlleding on the floor. For a second he kinda wanted to just leave her to die but then decided she was kinda pretty if she had on makeup and even if she got surgery to make her face better.

Hair didnt want to pay for ehr to get surgery but he had already invested too much into ehtr tbh.

Time jump or whatever

When i wake up from my nap i was really confused. The last thing i remember is wanting to eat hairtyled face off bc his body was rockin. Then nothing. Emily had a really bad headache and she wondered why. But honestly she just ignored it bc she finally looked into a mirror and saw how ugly she looked.

"Omg i have to look pretty or else hairless wont have the sex with me" screamed emily because she didnt know that everyone could hear her bc of how loud she was being.

She started to brush all the dirk from her hair when she saw a pair of scissors on the table. Emily decided it would be easier to just cut off all ehr hair. After she wa done with thaT SHE looked prety fuckin ugly so she cried.

When she got sad she decided to draw with ther scissors. So she drew really cute butterflies and bees (because it was may 20th national bee day) on her stomach with scissors. After awhile it started ot hrut and she was losing a lot o blood so emily passed out.

Haryyl could smell and blood and was kinda hungry. He walked into his room and saw emily on the floor beledding. She looked even worse than he elft her and she was surrounded by hair. He didnt really think much of it and started to lick ehr stomach. As he was drinking her blood he got some hair in his mouth and it was super gross.

Finally hairry was all done she he dropped ehr body back onto th floor and went back to doing whatever he was doing before.

When emily wokr up she had a headache. She decided to kill ehrself now. So she jumped out the window. Unfortunately someonen was standing under the window. She fell into the arsm fo hairstyle. He looked really mad at her so she got scred.

"What wee you doing luv!" said haistylred glaring at her

"Nothing hair, and dont call me love. Im not a love im a gir" screamed emily.

"Well you are going to bed" said hairstyles and he started to walk back to his room

"No im not im gonna kill myself" said emily

"No' said hairy and then he drugged her.

Emily started to chant "Kill myself, kill myself, i am going to kill myself"

This made harry really fuccing mad and he decided to just let her. He threw her onto the floor. Now that she was drugged she moved way slpw. She tried to crawl to the window and then she tripped and hti her hair.

For a second ahirstyed was happy bc he thought she died and he would never have to deal with her again. But then he heard ehr heart beating blood or whatevr and he realized he would still have to deal with her.

Thhe only ting he knew ot do was put her in a cage. He went onto amazon and order a Frisco Fold & Carry Single Door Collapsible Wire Dog Crate. It was kinda small but hary though if he folded her body like a pretzel she would fit eprfcts.

He decided that until the cage came later that day he would just keep drugging her. While he looked at her body on the flor he wondered if too many drugs would kill her. Maybe he should ask one of his band mates. Oh right i guess we havent told yu but hes actually in a secret underground gang band. They are illegal bc of how many people love them.

Hary was actually reLLY FUCKIN rich too. Also birtish and autralian mized so thats hot. So yeah hes illegal, hot, speaker, vampire.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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