We are attractive, handsome, banging, dangerous, murderous, sexy, lovable

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Emily is walking in a forest. She doesn't know how she got there and yet she's not confused because Emily is the kind of person to believe that everything happens for a reason . But strangely she felt like This is normal.

As she walks out into the forest the trees start to melt into the groud like candy. Suddenly instead of ground beneath her, she feels there is sticky chocolate syrup that is almost impossible to walk in. She begin to sink into it. SHe tried to eat her way out but she only realized that her dentist was going to be very mad at her for getting 14 cavities by gulping down the syrup

"Help!" Emily screams reaching her arms out and hoping someone will catch her

As she sinks in further, the ground around her became sharp and emily started to laugh hysterically. Emily didn't feel pain she felt giggles!!!. Suddenly instead of chocolate surfapore she is surrounded by miniature plastic hands that have come to life.

"Eat!" one screams

"Eat her!" they all chant



Around her the hands have wide mouths and the pinching she felt before was there teeth trying to eat her flesh. She begins to scream hoping someone will rescue her before she can be eaten alive. Emily didnt know what to do so she tried to eat them back,

"If you dont stop i will eat you back!" she screamed trying to chew some of the plastic, she realized that sea turtles wouldnt be happy because she was eating the plastic and they specially asked her to leave it to them. OUt of nowhere large purple seaturtles showed up and started to eat emily

"This is what you get for eating out plastic we will eat you back because of the amount of plastic you have stolen"

"Stop! Get off me! NO!" Emily cries.

Suddently just as she gave up hope that she would ever survive this she was yeeted out of the pool of hands. Being thrown onto the ground she realized that she was wearing a clown outfit that was very uncomfortable to walk in. She realized at this moment that she was the only clown to exist.

"Hello?" Emily called looking for whatever pulled her out of the pit of now eaten plastic hands. She began to walk deeper into the forest. Hoping to thank whoever helped her.

"Whoever you are thanks for calling the sea turtles on me mr. lion wasn't happy?" Emily called to no one in particular

Suddenly the forest became a house. And the house smiled at her "Come inside dummyhead" said the house

Somehow Emily didn't question this house. She didn't notice the blood dripping from the door of the house or the pitch black eyes the house had in shapes of windows. No, Emily was not smart and she did not notice anything ever. Emily wasnt just dumb she was a moron, she got 2 on her I.Q test.

As emiliy began to walk into the house she was suddenly yanked back by her backpack that she didn't even know she was wearing. Wow her whole outfit had changed without her noticing as well. She was wearing cloths like a maid and in her hand was an old fether duster.

The house glared at something behind her and she turned around not to see

"OH my god IS THAT EDARD CULLEN?!" Emily screamed

Edward Cullen was standing behind her without a shirt on. And W O W. HE was hot!!! SO hot she ran over to him and began taking off all her cloths. But he wasn't even looking at her. She grabbed his hand and pulling him, hoping he would look at her.

"Edward? Dude your like super hot" said emily. But he didn't even move.

"Don't go into the house" edward said and then he pinched her left eyelid and counted to 15. Emily was in shock and just stood there. Then once he was done she leaned over and licked her face.

"Country boy" Edward whispered

"I love youuuu" responded Emily

Emily was never the kind of person to take orders from other people so the second he was gone she went inside the house with the bleeding face.

Inside the bleeding house she began to dust all the rooms. She knew that this was her job. The women in the house were all very old and strange. Their skin all sagged like it was melting off their face and they all wore bonnets like small children used to. They also wore baby cloths that covered only the middle of their bodys like a one piece swim suit. Their legs were very ugly and short. However the worst part was their binkies that they all had in their mouths. Emily didn't know why but she knew they had magic powers and would hurt her.

NOt wanting to get hurt emily began cleaning around the house. She stayed downstairs while she cleaned because the women were upstairs having a secret meeting. Emily knew this without knowing it.

However emily was dumb. So dumb she decided to walk upstairs. There she found the woman gathered in a circle like a cult. Suddenly they are turned to look at her. There eyes were bright red and furious.

Out of nowhere the main evil baby woman began to scream at her. The lady took out her binky and it glowed bright green as she chased Emily down the stairs. Not knowing where to go Emily ran to find her grandmother. She ran into the backyard downstairs where her grandmother would be. She screamed and flew like a dead fucking bird into her grandmothers arms but suddenly her grandmother became a chicken and Emily crushed her.

Emily was now inside the Costco which was like totally her favorite place to be because like free food and shit. And like her mom never even fed her sosoos she needed free food and all that shit. She was in heaven eating a shit ton of small pizza rolls until her stomach began to grow. She tried to stop eating the pizza rolls but she couldn't and now she started crying because she knew her stomach would explode. Emily continued to sob and eat and sob some more until her stomach exploded into a million pieces of miniature plastic fans.

At this point she thought she was crazy and building sized ice creams were chasing after her saying, "let me eat you" in scottish accents. Emily didn't know if she was dreaming or if it was the crack she had consumed prior to this experience. Probably the crack because her mom sometimes liked drugs to drug her for fun. Yes, Emily thought this was all a craz crack dream and her mom was probably laughing at her while she screamed on the floor. Emily decided that if this was a dram she wanted to be somewhere cooler because fuck costco.

Now Emily was walking through the streets of London. There were 1000s of people but they all had the same face. It was tom holland's face, They were all running at her saying "top of the morning to you laddy" in a british accent (really say it in a british accent dude) . She felt like at any second she would be kidnapped by the crazy british man. But she didn't really care because he was even hotter than edward cullen. Wow she thought I can just take one of them and he can be my slave. Wait no thats wrong emily stopped herself. Maybe I can just take one. Emily reached out and grabbed a single tom but when she looked at her hands it was a bunny rabbit. It began screaming at her in german.

"Please stop yelling at me. I'm sensitive and cry when people yell at me!" she screamed hoping that it would stop the diseased bunny rabbit. But this only increased the amount of screams. The bunny then started to eat her hand until it swallowed her entire arm whole.

She closed her eyes for a mere two seconds and suddenly she was surfing the waves of alaska and had little rainbows following her. She decided it would be best to jump into the freezing water because emily is just a genius like that. so she descended the 359.73292inches into the water hoping that this would prove she was in a dream but when she hit the cold water she was flying through the air on a magic carpet.


Emily opened her eyes and felt pain everywhere. She could not remember the last thing that happened to her. Looking up emily saw a really fucking big chandeler on the celing. Wait where the fuck am I? Emily though.

Suddenly she jumped as a hand came down and touched her arm . She followed her eyes towards someones face.

"Why the heck-" emily began to scream but stopped once she saw the bright violet eyes of a very attractive, handsome, banging, super hot, cool, dangerous, murderous, sexy, caring, slutty, lovable piece of pizza.

"Wait do pizza have eyes?" Emily asked before passing out again.

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