I eat Butterflies

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The next thing I knew I was laying on a really comfortable bed. It was one of the biggest beds that Emily had ever seen. Emily started to realise that her head was hurting and she could feel a pounding in her scalp. Emily wasn't new to pain she had been suffering for the day she has popped out of the womb. She tried to sit up but she didn't even have the energy because she was a little bit of a lazy bitch and didn't want to exert any energy into anything she didn't want to do.

she had never been in a bed this comfortable since her bed back home was an old dog bed that her mother found in the back of a bagel shop in candyland. Candy land was code for new york but that was old news.

You might be wondering why she had a dog bed since she had a cat, Mr. Dumpster fire. But no, the dog bed was not purchased for a dog. Her mom just really didn't want to spend any money on Emily. So each night Emily was forced to crawl into a 7 year old dog bed. She would tuck her knees into her stomach and hug herself until she fell asleep.

NOw laying in a massive bed almsot 17 times the size of her entire body she was able to strech out. Emily decided that isntead of thinking about how she got sold to random people, or about them wanting her blood, she would just lay in this nice and comfrtable bed forever. Even when her body got spores and she grew foot funguses she would not move. She hoped she could die in the bed.

"ELLO LUV." said a voice from not too far away making Emily jump up from laying down.

Howeevr the second her body snapped up she felt pain and immediately flopped back inot the bed. She tried to stop herself from crying because her head really fucking hurt. Maybe she should take some medicine. Her mom often gave her cocaine when she was in pain from cramps or whatever because her mom thought that cocaine was the thing to end world hunger.

After a couple seconds she heard footsteps walking towards her and she stared up as a familiar face appeared above her.

Once again emily was transfixed again into the eyes of a boy she had known ot be hairstyled. He was gorgeous. Looking into her eyes made her want to yank him down into the bed with her and cuddle him like a teddy bear.

"ARE YOU WELL?!" hairstyles asked in his obnoxious british accent, he frantically looked down at her

"Your hot" said emily without really confused what just came out of her mouth. She sounded kinda drunk. But hairstyles just laughed at her and brushed a piece of hair out of emilys face.

"YOU SHOULD GET SOME SLEEP LUV" said hairstyles as he wiped some of her blood off her face. Emily suddenly felt very sleepy as if he was making her tired

She looked into his eyes as she fell asleep and thought she saw him lick the blood he had wiped from her forehead and eat it.


Hairstyles POV

Her blood was amazing. I felt kinda bad that I had taken it without asking but like she was yummy. And I know what you're thinking and Yes I am a vampire. You might think that slike super gross but I am totally chil with it. I mean emily is going to be my human blood bag now because shes just so yummy.

You might be concerned that my other friends are also vampires but I am the only one. However niall is a werrewolf so thats cool. Honestly I thogh emily was just gonna be a slave for me to eat sometimes but like shes a babe. '

Earlier I almsot felt bad when we went to take her period blood and she passed out. It all ended up working out in the end because when she fell down after peeing on us she knocked her head and I was able to have a little snack.

I know its gross to lick someone's head as they are bleeding out on your carpet and covered in pee but she was super yummy, trust me.

Now that she is sleeping again on my super huge bed I decided to go catch some butterflies outside. I am really into catching butterflies and killing them. I take their bodys and I put them in jars because they sell for a lot of money. Sometimes I even suck their blood out even though itd not enough. Animals have nice blood.

I once even had a dog and it had puppies which was so cool. After the puppies all grew a little I ate them all. This kinda upset ne-hall because he is wherewold but I told him that dogs werent even related to him really. Once the dogs died I sold their parts online. Some people are into some weird stuff.

After catching some butterflies I decided to go back into my room and watch emily sleep because im super creepy like that. She was snoring really loud like omfg she snores that gross. Im gonna have to put a pillow over her face when I go to bed so i dont have to hear her.

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