Cult activities

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When Emily woke up she noticed that the room is was in was littered with clothing and condom wrappers. She was laying on a bed and there was dried blood like all over it but it didnt look like it was from her. Emily slowly got up off the bed and went to walk to the door when she fell dowen again because she was just really clumsy.

"OH right i forgot I am like so clumsy" Emily said

She was super tired so she though about just laying on the dirty floor. She reached and grabbed an old crinkled up jacket and used it as a pillow while she closed her eyes and fell asleep for another 24.8 hours. Cause this bitch needed at least 24 hours of sleep a day.

After finally deciding to get up and check the place out she reached for the door knob and opened the door. She ws not suprisied when she saw that the whol house was a fucking wreck because they are men and according to sterotypes they dont know how to pick up after themsleves and have to rely on a women to clean up their shit.

Before she could move awy from the door a really fucking fashionable small boy was standing in front of her. Emily didn't really know if she though he was cute or not because he was literally wearing a braclet that said "gay". So i guess he was gay though emily. Emily likes to make assumptions about people. Emily has never met a gay person. She wasnt mean to them or anything but she just like didn't know any. This weird guy in frot of her was wearing a really nice shirt and jeans which was weird caus like this place was a dump. Emily wondered if they had a housekeeper?

Before Emily could say anything the guy pushed her back into the room without even saying anything ot her. Before he shut the door and left he looked like he kinda felt bad but then again he was locking he inside the dirty room now so yeah.

Emily wasn't really comfortable in the room and she wondered why these people didnt have a maid if they had enough money to buy her. She wondered if she was gonna be a sex slave. The room was really small and had like paint all over the walls so that was interesting.

After sitting on the floor for a long time emily wants to sleep again bcause she just cant get enough of that sleep but before she could put her head back onto the dirty jacket a tall man, who looked like a complete asshole who likes to sleep with women, not wear condoms, favorite color being orange, liked tea, saying the words flat, scones, fountains and darling walked up to her. He looked kinda mad at first but after looking at her on the ground she could tell he wanted to smile. She didnt know why but then his eyes looked at her whole body and she felt a little assaulted.

"Come one uhhh,... whats your name?" Sasid the weirdly attractive yet definitely abusive man

"Okay sure" said emily because although anyone else in the whole world would be scared and want to run away emiliys dark past of abuse made her feel good about being abused or some shit like that. NO one really knows why she doesn't try to run away but don't worry in a couple chapters she will suddenly start standing up for herself and completely contradict her entire character development (not that there will be any development).

She followed the man out of the room and the rest of her kidnappers stood in a circle.

They told her to sit in the middle and then they started to chant as they drew up their cloaks that apperard out of fricken nowhere how did this duymb ass bitch not realize.

"We need your blood" the most attractive of them all said.

Emily didn't really know what they wanted her to do cut herself? Jeez she hadn't done that in awhile.

She locked eyes wuth the guy who asked her for blood and he was so hot. He wasn't wearing ANY clothes underneth his rob and she could see his chest which was super sweaty. Wow maybe he just took a shower or went on a run or is just really sweaty a lot though emily. Either way she didnt care because guys with sweat were so hot and she wanted him.

His eyes were the exact color of bird shit. Not the white kind that her mom would find on the car sometimes and had to scrape off. The color that was thick and round and brown and smelt really bad whenever her mom made her clean the car. But his eyes didnt smell like bird crap and she was glad because she wanted to swim in them. Emily wondered if she could fill a bathtub with bird shit just so she could swim in something the same color as his eyes.

"Excuse me?!" one of the other guys ssid to her. She was kijnda confused who he was so she asked

"Who are you"

"Bitch give my your fucking blood" said the same guy. He kinda looked like the kind of guy whos favorite fruit was a pear. But this was not about to make emily back down.

"Are you on your period?" asked the broweyed boy covered in sweat.

"W-what?" responded emily. It was true.. She was beleding and a lot. It was her 3rd day and wow that was her worst day. She wondered if she had bleed through and thats how they knew seeing as she hadnt been to the bathroom in over 3 days. Even now she was still holding it.

"The bitch said she was bleeding and I think I can smell it" anther boy said. He looked kinda embarrased when she looked at him and he looked away.

Mortified by the situation emily decided that the only way she could get out of this situation would be to pee. She needed to pee in front of 5 men or else they would take her period blood and probably worship the devil and then she woiuld be associated with devil worshipers and then she would go to hell.

So then emily went pee.After they saw what she was doing they all jumoped away from her.

"Dude what the fuck" one of them yeeded

"Shes gross"

"We need to get her cleaned up"

"Yeah let's take her downstairs"

They carried her from the room to the stairs When she got to the stairs she fell down them becuse she is so clumsy and quirkey. When she reched the bottom she saw leprechaun tied to the other side of the room.

"What in gods name?" she questions, disregarding the fact that she broke both of her legs when she got up and walked over to him.

"What the heck you want" he said in a loud texas accent.

"Im sorry do you want me to untie you or not buddy" she screamed undoing the ropes.

"You dummy lol xd" the man said before beating her up and skipping away.

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